Police LIE to stop Cary Andrew Crittenden from Exposing a corrupt judge in Santa Clara County California

tonight on Internet radio cary andrew crittenden

Listen to the show HERE at the time and date below Aired June 7th, 2015 – 7pm Central
Listen to the Radio program tonight exposing the corruption, lies and crimes

Cary-Andrew Crittenden jailed to shut him up by police who perjure police reports

A devoted American who has made it his cause to expose unethical judges and government which prey on seniors and the mentally disabled.

In the remarkable similarities between Cary-Andrew’s case, and this similar case happening in Southern California which is generating massive media exposure from L.A. Times, All Jazeera, and other news networks. Read Full story HERE

This case, like his, was also tainted by police / prosecutorial
misconduct, manufactured evidence and corruption which led to public
defender filing motion to disqualify district attorney.

Additionally, there is legitimate reason to believe that this practice
described in below video is still in effect in Santa Clara County and that
case: C1493022 may also include very similar Masiah Violations resembling those which occurred in Orange County

Santa Clara County California Government Conspiracy Exposed Police Falsified Reports to frame Whistle blower Cary Andrew Crittenden

An Innocent Cary-Andrew Crittenden is currently locked in prison via fraud, perjury and corruption by
Santa Clara County and Judge Manoukian
North Kern State Prison
CDCR# BE1684
Facility B2 Bldg: A Cell:123
PO Box 4999 Delano CA 93216

Basis to the Cary-Andrew Crittenden Arrest (How it all started and what they’re hiding)

Actions against Cary-Andrew are base on a false Police report written by Detective Carroll who was conveniently replaced by Samy Tarazi who then based his reports on the original false report by Carroll

Document and Case Numbers
Santa Clara County Case C1493022
Detective Carroll false report: 14-182-0167
Preceded Carroll report: 14-287-0293B
Detective Samy Tarazi: 15-056-0301W
Internal Affair Case Number 2015-09

1. The reason for these actions was retaliation for the “Whistle Blower complaint” filed by Cary-Andrew Crittenden against Deputy Counsel Larry Kubo, Legal Advisor to Deputy Public Guardian Rebecca Pizano Torres (Board Policy 3.8)

2. Aleksandra Ridgeway was used as a decoy to distract from the real issue Rebecca Pizano Torres. Aleksandra Ridgeway had no involvement in case 1-12-CV226958 (Markham Plaza Eviction Fraud being reported via the Complaint

Detective Carroll’s original false report was used as the foundation to create more false records such as the false report to fabricate probable cause for search warrants. (False Court Cases: C1493022, C1642778)

1. Her supervisor is Carlotta Royal
email [email protected]

2. Her legal Advisor is Deputy County Counsel Larry Kubo
email [email protected]
Note: Larry Kubo and Carlotta Royal were both intimately involved with Rebecca Pizano Torres fraud at Villa Fontana and Markham PlazaSent to me in email:

Monumental judicial corruption scandal erupts in Santa Clara County, California which bears remarkable similarity to similar high profile case in Orange County, California leading to the public defenders of both counties filing motions to disqualify the district attorney’s offices for prosecutorial misconduct and due-process violations. See full Story HERE

In Santa Clara County, Cary-Andrew Crittenden was railroaded for a crime he did not commit after exposing what appeared to be several court cases deliberately mishandled by Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian. Crittenden was mis- led by deputy public defender: Jeffrey Dunn who misrepresented the meaning of the statute which Crittenden was accused of violating. Mr. Crittenden pled no contest, believing that he may have inadvertently violated an obscure law.

Crittenden was later re-arrested for publishing a news article about how he was targeted by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office. The district attorney retaliated against Crittenden for exposing the prosecutorial misconduct that occurred in case C1493022 and filed a restraining order against Crittenden The district attorney named himself a “victim” on restraining order on the grounds that the news article that was published caused him embarrassment.

Because the district attorney is named “victim”, the Santa Clara County Public defender’s office has prepared motion to disqualify the District Attorney on the grounds that being named as ” victim” creates a conflict of interest issue. The motion recommends the court allow the case to be heard by the California State Attorney General’s office.

The motion is scheduled to be heard in Santa Clara County Hall of Justice on July 31st, 2015 in department 52 before the honorable Judge Michele McKay-McCoy. ( [email protected] )

Support Cary on his Facebook page and help expose the real criminals
Find out more about Cary Andrew HERE

Find out about a judge who thinks he’s above the law and takes advantage of the disabled and elderly for profit Socrates Peter Manoukian
More on dishonest judges HERE

View a decade of video evidence against a corrupt system below

This is being covered up and lied about from the court, to the police and then the government which is being paid to protect the people yet it’s helping the criminals because they work together.

Internal Affairs CASE NUMBER 2015-09
Internal Affairs Sergeant in charge “Alfredo Alanis”
[email protected]

“We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing Wrong” is the new phrase that should be put on all Sheriff Department vehicles. Since when do the public servants paid by us have the power and ability to be ABOVE THE LAW


Santa Clara County Deputy Public Guardian Bruce Thurman is busted

Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen refuses to prosecute elder abuse by Public Guardian

San Jose Police and Santa Clara County Public Guardian Elder Abuse and Corruption

Do not trust Santa Clara County Social Services Public Guardian’s Office, Adult Protective Services or the Santa Clara County Probate Court

Santa Clara County Public Guardian

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