Sylvia Schmidt daughter of Gertrude Gettinger embezzles $200k from her own mother, then perjures a petition to force her mother Gertrude Gettinger into conservatorship to stop her from contacting police.
Gertrude Gettinger is conserved
Los Angeles Superior Court Case GP 012634
Enter case number GP012634 HERE For updated court info
Missing Bank Accounts (Never reported to the Probate court)
Parties Involved
KLINEDINST P.C. – Attorney
SCHMIDT SYLVIA – Conservator
12/01/2006 Doctor’s Capacity Declaration (Filed By: SCHMIDT, SYLVIA, Temporary Conservator Repres. By: OVERGAARD, CHRISTOPHER E., Former Attorney for Petitioner )
12/01/2006 Petition – Appoint Conservator of P & E (Judgment by Court-Petition Granted After Trial-Uncontested 1st Hearing Date: 01/12/2007 Filed By: SCHMIDT, SYLVIA, Temporary Conservator Repres. By: OVERGAARD, CHRISTOPHER E.
12/01/2006 Confidential Supplemental Info Sheet (Filed By: SCHMIDT, SYLVIA, Temporary Conservator Repres. By: OVERGAARD, CHRISTOPHER E.
12/01/2006 Confidential Screening Form (Filed By: SCHMIDT, SYLVIA, Temporary Conservator Repres. By: OVERGAARD, CHRISTOPHER E.12/01/2006 Petition – Appoint a Temporary Conservator (Subsequent) (Judgment by Court-Petition Granted After Trial-Uncontested 1st Hearing Date: 12/08/2006 Filed By: SCHMIDT, SYLVIA, Temporary Conservator Repres. By: OVERGAARD, CHRISTOPHER E.
More dates and documents can be found by entering case number at link above
Sylvia’s Mother: Gertrude Gettinger DOB 12/11/1924 forced into a conservatorship against her wished by a pejured and fraudulent Petition based on lies. She failed to notify family by lying to the court stating she had no contact with her brother Robert Gettinger Gertrude’s story can be found at THIS PAGE
Sylvia was disinheirted by her Father Franz L. Gettinger due to the lack of contact with him after divorcing Gertrude Gettinger (over 35 years) Syliva blames Robert for being disinherited however as in Franz’s will it clearly states he did this due do Sylvia’s constant refusal to contact him.
Gertrude filed a police report with Los Angeles Police Department Hollywood Divison where she names Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt as the sole suspects of a burglary of her:
Home Deed
Address book (which Sylvia used to contact relatives and lie to them)
Gold and Silver
House and car keys
Banking documents to gain access to over 14 bank accounts (each with approx $100k)
2 Bank accounts were never reported to the probate department or the courts
Gertrude is locked in a Dementia nursing home and has not seen Robert for over 5 years as per Sylvia and her lawyer Philip Barbaro Jr. and Christopher Overgaard
Regency Park Oak Knoll
255 S. Oak Knoll Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
Sylvia claimed in her own perjured petition that (2) bank accounts belonging to Gertrude Gettinger were missing. Yet Sylvia nowhere in her documents makes note or attempts to located the $200,000.00 in bank funds. However at the same time the money went missing real property records show a trust “Vanguard Group by Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt” purshased a home for the approx amount of $200k in the Santa Clarita area of Los Angeles County.
California Federal Bank Branch 742 Account 742-003424-6
Home Savings of America Account 015 -127447-9
This account appears in accounting at account 950000-68966438 why different?
Washington Mutual Bank Account 095-6896-43-8
Sylvia Schmidt
DOB 03/25/1957
Mother: Gertrude Gettinger
Father: Franz L. Gettinger
Brother: Robert A. Gettinger
Last Known Address
Lazy River Road SanDiego, CA 92127
PO Box 5000, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Sylvia Velasco
Sylvia Gettinger
Sylvia G. Velasco
Schmidt, Silva
Schmidt Sylvia
Velasco Sylvia
Sylvia Schmidt
chmidt Sylvia
Schmidt S
Sylvia Chmidt
S Schmidt
Married to:
Gary A. Schmidt
DOB 06/23/1956
Schmidt Gary Allan
Schmidt Gary A
Schmidt Gary
Gary Schmidt
Once forced into a conservatorship with a person Sylvia claims has Dementia Sylvia can manipulate and lie to the doctor prescribing the medications. This is easily done as the doctor relies on facts from family as to events and actions by the person who is conserved. Sylvia would tell the doctor about events of her mother seeing things she could not possibly see, that she was not responding to the medicatins so they should be increased.
Sylvia was allowed to buy the medications from vendors like Costco (claiming to save money) and then bring the tainted drugs to the nursing home which were then adminsitered to Gertrude. Some easily injected liquid capsules were bought and then brought to the home such as caster oil.
Haloperidol Dec 50mg injection
Haloperidol 1mg
Paroxetine HCL 10mg
Risperdal 1mg
Why would a conservator who claimed in her petition she moved her mother to a nursing home 10 minutes from where they lived (previous San Marino address) (to get the conservatorship) so she would be closer to her mother to care for her? Yet has moved since 2012 over 2.5 hours drive away approx 120 miles
2008 Hand written letters, signed and dated by Gertrude Gettinger. Gertrude has very specific hand writing, is totally capable of writing a complaint describes the abuse, issues and wrongs.
Dated May 27, 2008 5 Page Hand written letter from Gertrude Gettinger
Dated August 14, 2008 1 page Hand written note from Gertrude Gettinger
Dated April 01, 2008 Hand Written note 8:18pm Gertrude requests new PVP
Witnesses to note
Robert Gettinger
B. Sandra M. Smith
C. Adalid Gettinger
Dated August 14, 2008 5 Pages (front and back)
2009 Settlement Agreement written by PVP Violet Boskovich
This was agreed upon on the record and used to stop Sylvia’s deposition the moment we began incriminating questions.
1. We stopped ALL legal actions and subpoenas as per the agreement
2. PVP did this to protect Conservator from answering questions about accounting and missing accounts
3. This was a stall tactic
4. As soon as we complied to agreement they bailed out or refused to go along
This means Sylvia stopped all the legal actions not Robert. Yet then they filed for a writ and judgment against me for legal fees. I had already stopped all legal actions and trial. They never notified me and mailed judgment documents to the wrong address and failed to mail to the correct mailing address
1. 2007 01 12 First Supplement to Petition for appointment of Conservator of the Person and Estate
Note Line 22 “Petitioner does not have an address for Robert Gettinger”.
Note it’s not stated “does not have contact” this is a lie because they do have an address, in fact they have several. They claim to have hired a detective or Private investigator to locate Robert however public 2006 Credit report files list the current address and contact info. So called (no license found) Investigator (same name as “Michael Jay” a lawyer) who shared officer with Conservators lawyer Christopher Overgaard’s lawyer at the time claims he can find not info on internet from Robert Gettinger.
C. 2 Supplement to Petition for appointment of Conservator PG2
Line 2. Petitioner is informed and believes that approximately $200,000.00 was removed from Gertrude Gettinger’s bank accounts for payment to creditors.
This never happened, see credit reports. $200k in bank accounts was never reported to the court or probate investigators. See evidence for missing bank account numbers. Each containing $100K note cashed checks written to those accounts by Robert Gettinger in Evidence 1-30 No. 3
LINE 4. Petitioner urged her mother to remove Robert Gettinger name from all of her accounts to avoid losing more money, and Gertrude Gettinger subsequently put the bank accounts in her name only.
Note Evidence 1-30 No. 2 Wells Fargo bank, Robert asked mother Sylvia never asked to remove his name however Gertrude NOT trusting Sylvia to be on the accounts alone she also removed Sylvia which angered Sylvia against her mother.
LINE 8. Petitioner has not seen Robert Gettinger for approximately ten years. See photo of last meeting for Thanksgiving at Irvine home of Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt. However this statement is deceiving because Sylvia had constant contact by phone, email and written correspondence. See phone records, cashed checks, holiday cards and recorded phone call on CD.
LINE 8. Petitioner is informed and believes that Robert Gettinger has gone to great lengths to hide from his creditors, and has been using different names and addresses. False see evidence
LINE 11. He has not resided with Gertrude Gettinger for approximately seven to eight years. Robert moved out when he got married to Adalid Gettinger in 2000, this is 6 Years.
LINE 12. Gertrude Gettinger stated that Robert Gettinger was involved in running “sex tours” in foreign countries that he arranges for American male tourist. After learning of this, Petitioner is informed and believes that Gertrude Gettinger severed her relationship with her son, and she has not seen him for several years. FALSE not record of Gertrude ever stating this nor has she said this. Slander to discredit Robert to influence the court and objectors. Gertrude was jealous that her son of 40 years was getting married and would move out due to this. Thus Robert moved out. See Robert Gettinger Deposition regarding this.
LINE 16. Petitioner’s attorney, Christopher E. Overgaard, contacted investigator “Michael Jay to perform a skip trace on Robert Gettinger. Michael Jay was provided with the information regarding the last known address for Robert Gettinger, and his date of birth. Michael Jay stated that he could not find any current address for Robert Gettinger. The last known address which Michael Jay could locate for Robert Gettinger was 1259 Bronson Avenue, Los Angeles California, which is the address for the apartment owned by Gertrud Gettinger. Michael Jay stated that the last address he could locate was for 2001, Michael Jay stated that it looked like Robert Gettinger has “dropped off the face of the earth” and Michael Jay stated that he thinks Robert Gettinger is using a different name. Michael Jay was as able to provide the social security number for Robert Gettinger, and stated that Robert Gettinger is probably using a different name or possible living outside of the United States. Note No such Michael Jay is licensed as an investigator in CA or the US. See evidence 1-30 NO. 9 See credit reports for available info online in 2006 Evidence 1-30 NO. 15 Robert Gettinger Credit report and info
Gertrude Gettinger list of documents, personal items, cash and credit cards, jewelry, gold and silver of 80 years missing and never reported to the court. There is no police report filed by the conservator for any burglary or theft of any items. See D police report 2005 September LAPD filed by Gertrude Gettinger prior to the conservatorship and note comments about Sylvia attempting to force Gertrude against her wishes a power of attorney. See Deposition of Rafael Velasco who visited Gertrude Gettinger during this time.
2006 09 28 Los Angeles Police Report DR 06-0628425 Filed by Gertrude Gettinger stating Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt had entered her home and stolen he belonging, bills, documents, records, cash, credit cards and personal items. PAGE 3 under additional “Vict stated that her daughter had asked for the property deed and a power of attorney numerous times in the last but victim had refused”F. 2009 09 25 Court date Transcript showing biased court. Plus the court never read any of the petitions filed. The court was not ready or prepared of the hearing. Note the court did not read the petitions that were filed previously having documented evidence of perjury and failure to notify family.PG 1.Line 26 I don’t have the file in front of me.PG 4. Line 7 I didn’t have the file at all.
PG 6 Line 23 And there was one comment, though, Mr. Riley, and maybe I’m becoming more forgetful at times, but you said I had some – it wasn’t animosity, but some ill feeling towards your client, which I don’t remember ever having expressed, but if I did I certainly apologize. I don’t know that I know Mr. Gettinger at all. (NOT in transcript: However what PVP Boskovich and attorney Barbaro Jr. have presented to the court outside of official hearings with notions of Sylvia has filed elder abuse claims against Robert, ONLY claims and nothing was ever filed but by mentioning this to the court they biased the court) And I think, if anything, my displeasure, but I don’t think it was at the time that these were set.
PG. 7 Line 4 Is that Ms. Schmidt was the one who was retracting.
PG 7. Line 5 My first experience in this case before your honor, anyway, was I believe that approximately in February and we were here on a – I think it was a petition to – it was – anyway, there was a comment that if there was — the conservator was going to be removed it certainly wouldn’t be from my client.PG. 7 Line 12 Gee, I didn’t know I made such a harsh statement and I apologize because it had no overall bearing on my mind one way or other.
PG. 7 Line 24 I do have concerns that we are going on somewhat of a fishing expedition. (this was word for word what the conservators attorney Philipp Barbaro Jr. stated prior “a fishing expedition when it came to getting records on the missing $200 in bank accounts)
PG 8 Line 1 I would need some particular showing of a likelihood of wrongdoing on the part of Ms. Schmidt. This was AFTER two petitions were filed with the court, 1. Objection of the sale of property 2. To remove the conservator. Both contained numerous documents and evidence showing deliberate perjury , inaccurate accounts by the conservator and failure to notify family.
PG 9 Line 22 The assistant for Mr. Overgaard had sent it to his residence address, which does not get mail, in approximately October. Note the address used was never given to them; they removed the official address which was in all court documents.
PG 9 Line 8 Mr. Gettinger has shown that the conservator failed to give him proper notice
PG 9 Line 11 She had contacted him only, you know less than a year prior to, called him at this house and they had a telephone conversation. See phone records evidence 1-30 Number 11
PG. 9 Line 18 She had the address for Mr. Gettinger in her – in the documents she obtained from her mother. His mailing address was there. And in fact, she’s produced some of those documents previously. So the ability to contact Mr. Gettinger was present when she started the conservatorship and she failed to contact him and failed to give him notice.
PG. 9 and 10 Line 28 She’s intentionally misled the court through filing her verification under the penalty of perjury as those initial filings, which has basically spawned all of this litigation in that there is significant amount of distrust between Mr. Gettinger and his sister. And with regard to the review of the financial documents, for example, what it is that Ms. Schmidt has done with the documents, what she’s done with regard to the assets of the estate and accounting for all of those, those documents which may have been provided to the court as confidential documents for the accounting have not been provided to us, so we’ve not had all of those documents.
PG 10 Line 12 The Court: And why would you be entitled to them?
We’ll we’re entitled to do discovery with regard to a number of issues. But with regard to whether or not, for example, the approval of the accounting was done through fraud, the probate code permits that that finding be overturned in the event that there was a misrepresentation which was made to the court
PG. 11 Line 14 Ms. Schmidt during the initial paper she filed with the court, despite the fact that she was suggesting that my client had fallen off the face of the earth and couldn’t be located, she was indicating that $200,000 had been taken from her mother’s accounts by creditors. And so you know, we’re talking about a very large sum of money, which apparently been missing from the conservatees accounts which is attributed to my client. So that would be an indication that there’s some withdrawals that were made, which were not authorized by the conservator – or the conservatee
PG 13 Line 9 If you’re looking at this from the fact that ms, Schmidt has all the documents, Ms. Schmidt took all the documents, Ms. Schmidt has filed whatever documents she’d chosen to file. My client could not possibly have any documents to say
PG 13 Line 18 If the conservatorship is opened though a perjured petition, is that not reason to go ahead and say, you know what, if we’re going to trust you with one point eight million dollars in assets of the estate, you are beyond reproach from looking at that because while you may have, you know, sworn to the court that your brother can’t be located, you know I guess we can go ahead and trust you with two million dollars.
PG 18 Line 11 And as soon as all these motions went off calendar she backed right out of that agreement. And that was eight days before the motion — the settlement took place eight days before the motion was suppose to be heard in may. And that took place in the middle of her deposition right when we started to talking about which document she needed to produced
PG 18 Line 1 Just a couple of weeks ago with regard to the breach of contract by the conservator, you know , my client agreed to a settlement with Ms. Schmidt and there was basically a give and take on both sides
PG 18 Line 18 She has fought tooth and nail not to produce any of the financial records for the money that she is controlling.
PG 18 Line 25 And the fact that she is fighting us where she could just let Mr. Gettinger spend his money and spin his wheels if there was actually nothing to be found, that is also further strong indication that this is something which is amiss with the records of that request.
PG 13 Line 16 The court: So we open up every conservatorship without any evidence or misconduct? Mr. Riley: If the conservatorship is opened through a perjured petition, is that not reason to go ahead and say, you know what.
21 Line 1
Right now the court is going to grant the motion to quash in its entirety and deny the motion to compel in its entirety.PG 21 Line 14There’s obviously a large tax consequence burden on the estate from failing to go forward with the 1031 exchange
PG 21 Line 23 Mr. Gettinger: Perjury means nothing? The court: Sir, talk with your attorney. There are remedies that – or approaches you might consider, Okay.
Email evidence
2001 March 26 Discussion about our father compared to a friend Clemente
2001 May 12 My address and phone number mentioned
2001 June 8 Sylvia acknowledges getting checks from Robert
2001 July 14 Sylvia “I have no intentions of calling her ever again”.
2001 July 20 I inform Sylvia of the death of our father
2001 September 19 Sylvia and Husband Gary involved in Father inheritance
2001 October 18 Sylvia mentions book “Unexpected Legacy of Divorce”.
2001 December 29 Sylvia mentions family Plumber of Robert, Gertrude and Sylvia. Later Sylvia will deny contact with him, Jen-Su informed Sylvia of the move to Frazier Park as Jen-Su had visited Robert there.
2002 January 4 Ask about address, attorney for father’s inheritance
2002 March 6 Statue of limitations “Millie” woman lived with father
2002 March 17 Sorry she hung up on me in her anger
2003 February 19 My email address and (Current Phone number) to Sylvia
2003 March 2 Sylvia writes to new email address, evidence she had email
2003 March 17 Happy Birthday wishes to Sylvia from Robert
2003 July 25 Title “Is something wrong?”
2003 October 20 Sylvia responds to when to call? With “What do you need?”
2003 November 3 10 page email exchange with our history, and events
2003 December 2 Email from Sylvia asking how things worked with Mama?
California Federal Bank Branch 742 Account 742-003424-6
Home Savings of America Account 015 -127447-9
This account appears in accounting at account 950000-68966438 why different?
Washington Mutual Bank Account 095-6896-43-8
Time Line Key Events
Gertrude Gettinger GG, Sylvia Schmidt SS, Robert Gettinger RG
1992 Sylvia divorces 1st Husband Ralph Velasco married Gary A. Schmidt
1999 December RG and wife move from 5910 Fountain Ave next to GG
2000 February 7 Robert marries wife Adalid Megia Las Vegas
2001 July 19 Father Franz L. Gettinger passes away
2001 November 5 SS email “Moving from Tustin to San Marion CA
2001 December SS moves from Tustin CA to San Marino CA
2002 January 4 SS email “Has your address changed?” No
2002 March 6 SS email “SS Asks about Father’s inheritance”
2003 February 2 RG and wife move from Canoga Park CA to Frazier Park CA
2003 March 2 RG email to SS “Have not heard from you?”
2003 July 24 SS email “How are you doing?”
2003 October 19 RG email “I tried calling you no answer”
2003 December 4 RG meets with GG to transfer property, write check
2004 Letter from GG to RG
2004 February 2 SS Email to RG About Father she has not seen for 30 years
2006 April 4 I check my credit score on Equifax SEE COPY
2006 February 10 Call SS 626 395-9737 30 minute
2006 November 28 GG Removed from her Home by county Health
SS claims mother should be in a locked Dementia home
2006 November 30 GG from Verdugo Hills Hospital to San Pedro Peninsula
2006 November 30 Hanko Sara San Pedro Peninsula Nursing Unit states:
Patient does NOT require skilled placement, rather custodial care.”
2006 November 30 2006 Moved from Verdugo Hills Hospital to San Pedro Peninsula Hospital. Put under care of Dr. Lawrence Tucker
2006 December 1 Overgaard phone call PI “Michael Jay”.
2006 December 1 Overgaard files document with court for conservatorship
2006 December 2 Family friend Mike Geralovich Xmas card forwarded to SS
2006 December 3 Overgaard fails to personally serve GG, instead leaves documents with nurse Liane Swope at Company of Mary Hospital
2006 December 4 Overgaard files “Proof of service” for conservatorship
2006 December 8 SS record shows requests mail forwarding to start
2006 December 8 Placed under conservatorship transferred to Regency Park Oak Knoll Pasadena CA. Under care of Dr. Paul Liu Gertrude moved to more expensive locked facility.
2006 December 11 SS begins going to Banks to transfer funds
2006 December 14 SS opens Fidelity Investment account transfers all funds
2006 December 14 SS calls Overgaard about “Serving, preparing Papers on Brother
2006 December 18 Overgaard files Probate Code 1460(e) dispense search for RG
2006 December 27 SS goes to USPS “Lost Mail forwarding request”
2007 January SS Claims GG refuses all medications, GG only refuses stool softener which gives her problems.
2007 January 6 GG found on floor ,by her room, afraid
2007 January 7 GG refuses Paxil causes her problems
2007 January 9 SS calls Overgaard about False ID’s found in Apartment
2007 January 11 SS states mail NOT being forwarded
2007 January 11 Accounting SS states Mail not being forwarded
2007 January 16 Paxil and Colace making GG sick (SS stops all meds)
2007 January 20 SS states forwarded mail begins to forward
2007 January 21 GG refuses stool softener she requested
2007 January 29 SS Calls USPS about mail forwarding
2007 January 29 SS stops all meds against Dr. Liu’s orders See page 3 No. 7 P
2007 January 30 per Dr. Liu D/C all medications SEE NOTE
2007 February 10 GG acting suspicious REPORT
2007 February 13 GG very upset
2007 February 26 Email to SS from RG, Newspapers at GG house where is GG?
2007 March 2 GG refusing to take meds
2007 March 3 SS claims GG “banging on walls, talking loudly to
2007 March 1 GG making noise in room talking loud herself early hours SEE
2007 March 6 Dr. Liu Requests Psychiatric evaluation
2007 March 9 Admitted to ER East Valley Medical Hospital. Paranoid Agitated.
Forced injections of Haloperidol, Catapres, various forms of Haldol and Risperdal. Due to SS’s claims GG not taking her meds.
2007 March 13 Dr Jacob Hosp Rpt. Meds. Claims GG calm, eats well, OK
2007 March 13 GG given Injection of Haldol Decarbonate 50mg
2007 March 13 transported back to Regency Park. Drugged, sedated no emotions, “she’s a different person”. Next Haldol Injection in 4 weeks. SS claims her new state “She appears to be doing much better, the psychotic behavior is no longer evident”
2007 March 17 –April 16 GG Meds all per Dr, Said Jacob
Haloperidol Dec 50mg injection
Haloperidol 1mg
Paroxetine HCL 10mg
Risperdal 1mg
2007 April
Catapress Patch
Haloperidol Dec 50mg injection Inject ½ cc every 4 weeks
Same time Dr. Yegiazaryan prescribes Haldol 0.5mg
Same time Dr. Liu prescribes Risperdal 1mg
2007 March 27 Dr. Yegiazaryan (Psychiatrist)Concerned about meds prescribed to GG. Dr. States GG does NOT have Dementia or Alzheimer. Wants GG OFF Haldol
2007 April 3 SS letter to Maria Gaona Med changes
2007 April 3 GG Prescribed Haldol injections, Halperdol 1mg, Dr. Yegiazaryan prescribes 0.5mg Haldol. Changes can cause problems
2007 April 4 D/C Haldol Injections and oral meds PER SS
2007 April 5 Dr. Liu Continue Haldol Decarbonate 25mg D/C all oral Haldol
2007 April 5 Doctor Paul Liu gives notice due to SS interfering with doctors orders. Stopping all medications. SS not forthcoming with why the doctor gives notice and stops seeing GG
2007 April 18 Dr. Yegiazaryan stops seeing GG
2007 April 26 Dr. Paul Liu prescribes Colace 100mg per Gertrude request
2007 April 26 GG sees Dr. Al Wardi diagnoses Parkinson’s
2007 April 26 GG prescribed Sinemet, Dr. Yegiazaryan increases Resperdal.
2007 April 27 Dr. Yegiazaryan D?C Haldol See FAX
2007 April 29 GG feeling shaky, not feeling well, Dor. Notified SEE ROK
2007 May 8. SS informed says to wait (10 Days) she has Dr. appointment
2007 May 2 GG suffers side effects from medications
2007 May 4 GG asks to see a doctor, taken to ER. Doctors tell her to
STOP taking medications.
2007 May 4 GG reports feeling bad, weak SS takes to ER
2007 May 6 SS gives history of Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, Bipolar
2007 May 6 GG Complains suffocation issue, can’t sleep, dry mouth. SS says wait for next day
2007 May ER info see sheet
2007 May 7 Dr. Alisa Yang new doctor GG first visit (one month no dr.)
2007 June 1 Julia, Lily observe 6:50am found GG on floor close to door
2007 June 21 GG feels constipated request meds SEE
2007 July 17 RG phones, Speaks to SS at 626 395-9737 2 hours.25 minutes
2007 July 25 SS D/C med Gave verbal order to Dr. Battlagia SEE
2007 July 30 Called 626 395-9737 No answer left message
2007 July 31 Called 626 395-9737 No answer left message
2007 August 1 Huntington Medical Hospital exam “feeling depressed”. SEE
2007 August 14 Left Message at 626 395-9737
2007 August 21 47 minute conversation at 626 395-9737
2007 August 22 RG and Wife work (Remove wall) at GG’s Apartment
2007 April 5 SS Letter to Doctor Confusion about Meds SEE Page 170
2007 August 29 RG and Wife work at GG’s Apartment
2007 September 5 RG and Wife work at GG’s Apartment
2007 September 5 Huntington Medical Hosp Report
2007 September 6 Seroquel decreased GG having issues
2007 September 6 See Staff Notes “Confusion Dr. Yang Celexa, Dr. Jacob Serequel. Do both doctors know they’re each prescribing different meds?
2007 September 6 SS Ltr. she’ll take Gertrude to Psychiatrist Jacob
2007 October 16 SS Bills for call from Robert
2007 October 16 Email SS Requests Walk thru Apartment with Andy Chase
2007 October 23 Sylvia & Overgaard meeting “Brother Robert Appearance”.
2007 October 25 RG email to SS
2007 October 29 SS calls Ira Pelofsky “Claims Brother Insisted”
2007 October 29 Reviews “Proof of Service” Letter with Overgaard
2007 November 1 I email PVP Violet Boskovich, give contact info, phone
2007 November 2 Boskovich forwards my email to lawyer Overgaard no response
2007 December 3 RG writes Overgaard directly, no response
2007 December 5 Fax GG Reports. 3 nights ago (No one came back for meds)
2008 January 10 RG emails Boskovich state I was not notified of sale
2008 January 14 RG emails Boskovich will be out of town no response
2008 February 23 RG Emails Boskovich “No Documents ever sent”
2008 February 26 Email SS Last email contact (Changes from calling me Roby from 50 years now to “Bob”
2008 March 11 RG, wife and Sandy Smith visit GG at Regency Park Oak Knoll
2008 March RG Hires lawyer, Michael Riley Receive full set of documents
2008 April 1 I file petition to object to Sale
2008 April 14 Meet GG, gives RG detailed account of missing personal items
2008 April 25, 2008 SG writes letter for Dr. Jacob, ask him to sign it
2008 Judge Coleman Swart orders order evaluation Dr. Trader
2008 August 21 SS writes influential letter to Dr. Trader
2009 April 20 Motion to Quash, Opposition filed by RG
2009 April 22 Deposition SS, stopped by Boskovich
2009 April 23 Remove all legal actions, motion to compel letter
2009 May 13 Letter SS will not honor agreement
2009 June 1 set for trial date
2009 June 19 Mediation SS and RG, SG leaves the room after 5 minutes
2009 July 17 We try to enforce the settlement agreement in court
2009 September SS demands changes to agreement and backs out
2009 September 18 Barbaro files Reply Brief
2009 September 25 Hearing “Motion to Compel further Responses”
2010 March 30 Lose legal representation due to lack of funds
2011 December 16 Barbaro prepares “Writ of execution, abstract of judgment”
2012 January 4 Barbaro “Writ and Abstract, Judgment entry”
2012 January 16 Barbaro “Submission of Abstract for recording”
2012 January 25 SS Bills LASD to serve writ of execution
2012 January 30 LASD calls Barbaro, modifications to Sheriff
2012 December 10 Barbaro “Recording of abstract in Kern County”
2013 June 10 Mori Reese Attorney Barbaro explains Judgment for costs
2016 February 01 Current day
More evidence and information but do not want to include it because this correspondence may be shared with parties who have the ability to hide or change things which might affect a proper investigation.
Documents attached (Order by date) By white Number tabs
1. 1992 October 27 Dr. Said Jacob Md License revoked report
2. 1996 October 23 Dr. Nanda Nitin License details 1st Dr. to see GG
3. 2006 November 28 Verdugo Hill Hospital Dr. Nanda Report
4. 1998 February 2 Wells Fargo Statement “note RG, SS& GG names appear
5. 1999 Missing Bank account checks GG written by RG
6. 2003 November $22,000.00 Check written to GG, Account missing
7. 2001 July 12 Last Testament Franz L. Gettinger, Death Certificate
8. 2001 Cashed Check backs written by RG to SS, note to Vanguard Group trust
2003-1997 Checks written to GG by RG
8. 2003 July 23 Dr. Lawrence Tucker License details Dr. Capacity declaration
- 2006 December 1 Dr. Tucker Capacity declaration “Movius & Overgaard” top
- 2008 October 21 Dr. Lawrence V. Tucker Dr. filled Capacity form
- 2006 December 1 Movius and Overgaard fax info top of each page
- 2003 November 17 Check 3546 $22,0000k Cashed check written to GG
- 2003 December 4 Property Deed transfer from GG to RG
- 2006 December 29 Memo from Probate Investigator “No probate Report”
12. 2006 SPECIFIC EVENTS which support conservatorship by SS
13. 2006 Statement Required by Probate Code Section 2352.5 (b)92)
14. 2006 Summary of Events Beginning with January 2006 4PGS
15. 2006 – 2007 Vonage Phone records for RG - 2006 -2007 Conservator Time spent records
- 2006 April 4 RG Credit Report
17. 2009 August 6 Full Credit Report Robert Gettinger - 2006 September 28 LAPD Police report GG apartment burglary
- 2006 November So Cal Gas bills, GG never stopped paying the bill
- 2008 April 24 GG Gas bill wrong spelling “Gerringer”
- 2006 November 9 Letter from SS on family letter head to APS
- 2006 December Inventory for GG, why no personal jewelry, gold and silver
- 2006 December 2 Xmas card mail forwarding Mike Generalovich to GG
- 2008 February Personal Mail forwarded to SS then to GG and billed
- 2008 July 25 Ronald Dorwart deposition
- 2007 SS Doctor History by SS
26. 2007 January 1 Discontinue all meds per SS Dr. Liu Note Maria Gaona - 2007 January 29 Dr. Liu Discontinue all meds per SS Script
- 2007 February Letters, Notes to doctors to change meds
- 2007 March 27 MMSE Mini Mental state examination results 28 out of 30
29. 2007 April Regency Park Oak Knoll staff notes - 2007 September County Dump Receipts Hauled away Wall from Apartment
31. 2007 October 16 Email SS to RG Response Apartment walk thru
Colored Tabs (C)
C1. Open
C2. 2007 December 12 First mail from Overgaard with partial documents
C3. 2008 Notice of Conservator Rights
C4. 2008 Hand written, dated and signed letters by GG
C5. 2008 April 3 SS Requests Dr. Jacob write letter SS content
C6. 2008 April 14 Meet GG, detailed account of missing personal items
C7. 2008 April 21 Unapproved letter to Dr. Trader by SS
C8. 2009 April 30 Boskovich Settlement draft SS and RG
C9. 2008 August 18 Boskovich Dr. Trader Psychiatric Evaluation request
C10 2007 Constant Change of Medications
C11. 2009 March 16 Rafael Velasco Deposition ss previous husband
C12. 2009 April 2009 Sylvia Schmidt Deposition Partial
C13. 2009 November 7 License Search for PI “Michael Jay” claimed by Overgaard
C13. February “Michael Jay” PI Overgaard claimed to hire info, no license
C13. 2009 November 29 Special Interrogatories Michael Jay “only 800 number”
C13. 2016 January 29 Attorney “Michael Jay Movius” bar info
C13. 2013 Yellow Pages Michael Jay Movius “Same Fax and Address as Overgaard
C14. 2012 February 14 Receipt from Court obtain copies of writ, judgment
C14. 2009 December 17 Barbaro “Writ, Abstract of Judgment” wrong address
C15. 2009 September 25 Transcript Hearing Judge Candace Beason
C16. 2010 April 16 PVP Boskovich 6th Accounting, plus “writ of” filed
C17. 2016 April 14 Proof Mailing court Investigation reports, No Robert copy 2016 March 3 Account Current & Fees hearing
C18. Sylvia Schmidt Legal actions records
C19 (4) Personal References when Married
C20 Sylvia Email to Overgaard “Selling Bronson Apartments”
C21 2008 Sylvia and Robert Email exchange
C22 2007 Emails
C23 2004 Emails
C23 2004 Emails
C24 2003 Emails
C25 2002 Emails
C26 2001 Emails
C27 Sylvia Previous employment
C28 Gary A. Schmdit Husband
C29 2006 November San Pedro Peninsula Hospital
C30 C31 Photos
1958 December Gertrude with Sylvia age 1 and Robert born 1958 Photo
1998 November 25 Thanksgiving Photo GG, RG, SS and Gary Schmidt family
2008 Gertrude, Robert, wife Adalid last visit Regency Park Oak Knoll
2008 Gertrude photos from her private room Regency Park Oak Knoll
2008 December Someone is putting the mouthwash into GG hair dye
2008 (6) pairs of slippers some not her size appear
2008 Odd socks, pants not GG size appear
2008 Old suitcases from Bronson appear in GG’s room with name tages
2008 March 31 Has this lawn been cared for, see charges to estate
2008 Photo of back yard of GG apartment, photos differ sent to court
2000 December 7 RG and father Franz L. Gettinger Vienna Austria
1997 June Robert and Rafael Velasco Visit Franz Gettinger in Vienna
1980-1988 Robert worked for Los Angeles City Airport Police
1999 June Gertrude with Max miniature Dachshund we bought for her
1999 Gertrude and Max outside of Apartments doing gardening (2) images
Future Hearings
12/29/2017 at 8:30 AM in Probate Department 29 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Order to Show Cause Hearing
2006/12/05 Under Hanko Sara Social Worker “Patient does NOT require skilled placement, but Custodial Care”
[pdf-embedder url=”https://uglyjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2020/06/Sylvia-to-Mother-does-not-need-locked-home.pdf” title=”Sylvia to Mother does not need locked home”]
2007/03/09 Sylvia states which drugs Gertrude Gettinger is taking:
Gertrude has been on:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://uglyjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2020/06/Sylviamakes-druglist.pdf” title=”Sylviamakes druglist”]