Network with other victims who have been violated by the same criminals and abusers. Expose the abusers who violated your rights, freedoms and law. Ensure that others victimized by the same judges, lawyers, police and government are informed about the abuse you endured by listing these criminals. There are millions of victims who are silenced by unethical lawyers who hide behind fake images of protector, all the while robbing victims blind behind our back. Check out our
Probate Rape page and our poster child X President of the Pasadena bar unethical
lawyer Philip Barbaro Jr. who probate raped Victim Gertrude Gettinger helping an abuser get away with filing a perjured, fraudulent petition forcing her into a locked home against her will. Then Barbaro tries to hide his immoral acts and billing $200,000.00 in fees against the victim by doing media stories pretending to be a advocate against Elder abuse. Barbaro took part in a conspiracy to bribe Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Candace J. Beason to ignore the abuse, embezzlement and fraud. We've also been informed first hand that Barbaro funnels clients to well known corrupt, exposed by 2005 LA Times article "forced to retire"
Los Angeles Superior Court judge Aviva K. Bobb.

For decades Judges and Lawyers have been hiding and extorting victims of the Biggest Holocaust of the 20th century. Victims are ripped from their homes against their will and robbed of all their possessions, stripped of anything of value and locked against their will in nursing homes or facilities. Via the use of abused, over medication by lying and manipulating doctors victims are made out to be mentally ill. The goal is to liquidate their life savings, take control and ultimately kill them all in the name of legal fees and bribes for totally dishonorable, unethical judges protected by the American bar. It's NOT just the elderly or handicapped this happens to anyone with money. Look at Britney Spears and Bradford Lund (Disney family). See More about
Probate Rape