Los Angeles Superior Court LAUSD Fraud

EDUCATION POLITICS--“The appearance of law must be upheld,
especially while it's being broken.” – Boss Tweed from the film,
“Gangs of New York.” 

The Los Angeles Unified School Distinct has perpetrated the largest
frivolous lawsuit in U.S. History. Over almost a decade and counting
with an undeniable pattern of LA County “judges,” including
Appellate, aiding and abetting LAUSD’s fraud, the District continues
to undermine the rule of law and due process. 

LAUSD, as an organization, is needlessly top-heavy, antiquated,
avaricious, corrupt, and incompetent. The following payroll debacle
lawsuits are case studies of law, civil code violations, union
contract breaches, and contradictory and capricious legal reasoning in
support of cases filed in the wrong jurisdictions. (NOTE: LAUSD
reduced teaching staff by about 25% over approximately the past ten
years, while increasing administrative staff by about 22%.) 

LAUSD has taken full advantage of their still-broken payroll system, a
problem stemming from the District’s 2006 bungled attempt to
implement Deloitte & Touche payroll administration software. Years on,
LAUSD’s payroll system remains riddled with flaws despite the
District claiming the problems have been remedied and recouping
millions in damages from Deloitte. Since 2009, LAUSD consistently
filed collection actions against its former employees with the
blessing of superior court judges such as Rex Hessman, Mary H.
Strobel, C. Edward Simpson and the Appellate Court. 

LAUSD’s giant malfunctioning payroll system ONLY “overpays”
thousands of former employees 99% of the time. Such former employees
cannot file union payroll grievances and are, therefore, easy legal
marks for LAUSD. 

The lawsuit against me, and other earlier ones, was an unlimited case
(BC420518) in which LAUSD claimed defendants were "overpaid" by over
$25,000 (i.e., $30,000 to $90,000). Since 2014, however, as if by
magic, LAUSD's payroll system only "overpays" below $25,000, as in,
all four current cases. With lower “overpayment” amounts, LAUSD
attorneys found it was easier to acquire bogus payroll claims. 

LAUSD has four revenue generating schemes: 

 Teacher Jail: Attorney Mark Geragos attempted to sue LAUSD for $1
billion regarding “Teacher Jail,” perpetrated against
higher-salariedsenior teachers who are tacitly “encouraged” to
resign in lieu of being fired or continuing to be embarrassed by
serving time in limbo. It is estimated that the District can save up
to $55,000 per year in salary and benefits each time a teacher at or
near the top of the pay-scale is replaced with a cheaper, often
younger employee. “I think LAUSD is a completely corrupt
organization,” said Geragos. “They have consigliere lawyers.” 

 Another means by which LAUSD effectively ushers out its more
expensive teachers is through attempts to decertify their teaching
credentials on false charges via working in tandem with the nepotistic
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. An illustration of
this practice is seen in the case of CCTC Attorney Kathleen Carroll
who won a $3.5 million judgment (2012-00135527-CU-OE) for refusing to
take away teachers' credentials without proof of wrong doing, etc. 

 The aforementioned LAUSD payroll debacle lawsuit(s) impacting
thousands since 2007, have succeeded with the exception of a handful
of instances – due to systemic sycophantism within Los Angeles
County Courts. The fraud is perpetrated by LAUSD attorneys inventing
their own secondary “evidence”: non-contractual, incomprehensible
no-net, non-Gregorian extraterrestrial calendar “evidence” dubbed
“Fiscal-Year Salary Review” sheets and secondary non-contractual,
with unknown payroll terms, “evidence” “paystubs” dubbed
“Employee Statement of Earnings” with no apparent mathematical
system or other reasonable means of proof. The hypocrisy of the
District to tell students and teachers they must pass certain math
standards while the District’s math in and outside the courts is
unheard of. Up is down, left is right – all with the consistent
assent of Los Angeles County Court justices. 

 LAUSD also perpetrated the largest government payroll scam with these
bogus payroll lawsuits and other ill-gotten monies via their payroll
department, i.e., former employees who “settled” with LAUSD for
“overpayment” only to have LAUSD come back later asking for more.

Since 2016 and currently, “judge” Elizabeth Feffer, despite
defense Motions to the contrary, has allowed these lawsuits to
continue in the wrong jurisdiction (Superior vs. Administrative court)
where LAUSD argues “breach of contract” (as to the UTLA Contract
-- ignoring classified and administrators’ contracts and those of
defendants with NO contracts, such as consultants). However, LAUSD
does NOT include the unions as an indispensable party of a contract
dispute. Nor does the District include the actual UTLA Contract
itself. Defendants are sued for “contract hours” despite being
salaried. The fact that LAUSD refuses to amend defendants’ W-2 tax
forms to the supposed “overpayment” amounts shows further proof
that the alleged overpayments are a legal fiction. 

Far from saving taxpayer money, the scam thus far has possibly cost
California taxpayers $11 to $12 million in court expenditures,
nationwide process server costs, Valer Enterprises collection, print
costs, and outside attorney fees. These wasted public expenditures,
clogging the already overburdened CA court system, never benefitted
LAUSD because LAUSD may have only acquired about $4 million in
returned “overpayments.” 

Attorney Mark Geragos also stated regarding the firing of awards
winning Shakespearean teacher Rafe Esquith, “[I]t wouldn’t
surprise me if LAUSD seeks review given their legal strategy is never
cost benefit related but instead scorched earth. Interesting footnote
is that their fools’ errand will cost them in costs and fees on the
taxpayers’ dime…” 

Finally, these lawsuits have also resulted in an environmental
disaster with millions of gallons of fuel, hundreds of trees for paper
and hundreds of gallons of ink unnecessarily consumed. If I kept all
the documents LAUSD mailed me, it would have nearly reached the

An extended version of this article as an FBI Complaint Letter et al
can be seen at LAJudgeGate.com. [BC434071/BC434072/BC420518, 14K01633,
10K00762, BC430433, BC513602, BC487196, BC487197, *15K07864 (*now
BC632878), 14K08370, 13K11778 (BC487197), BC549641, and 16k07779 and
about 640 small claims to-date claiming they were “overpaid”
(BC383410 w/ employee payroll lawsuit vs LAUSD)].

(John Adams is a retired teacher who lives in Ventura County. He
worked for LAUSD from 1996 to 2009 teaching History and spent six and
a half years in litigation with LAUSD for return of payroll he claims
he never owed, but which LAUSD inexplicably won.) Edited for CityWatch
by Linda Abrams.

The Cozy Relationship of UTLA and LAUSD (La íntima relación de UTLA y el LAUSD) by John Adams
LAUSD’s Malfunctioning Payroll Debacle: Still Targeting Former Teachers with Bogus Lawsuits

School Investigators Speak Out on Lack of Prosecutions VB7

LAUSD Audits and Investigations 381-382 Preview

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