Judge Daniel B. Goldstein

Above the Law San Diego Superior Court Daniel B Goldstein
Daniel B Goldstein
Judge, California Superior Court

Bachelor’s University of California Berkeley, B.A.
Year of First Admission:1991
Admission:1991, California
ISLN: 901505024
Law Whittier College School of Law
Central Courthouse Dept. 1904

Whose teaching our children ethics and morals?

Is this the same Daniel B. Goldstein?
Professor Daniel Goldstein
Professor in the Management department at San Diego State University

Endorsed Mody for Judge
The Honorable Daniel B. Goldstein
Judge, Superior Court of San Diego
Violations and Victims
Sean D. Haeussinger, II
Ignored Sean D. Haeussinger‘s rights
The Dishonorable San Diego Superior Court Judge Daniel B. Goldstein didn’t take the necessary steps to protect my right to a fair trial (see also Cal. Pen. Code §§ 422.6–422.7), going so far as to comment on “many admissions” I never made.”

Daniel Bruce Goldstein is a judge of the Superior Court of San Diego County in California. Goldstein ran for re-election for judge of the Superior Court of San Diego County in California. He won in the primary election on March 3, 2020. Goldstein has served as a director of the Alliance of California Judges.

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He implied that some judges believed it to be “deliberate and intentional” — and that the stature of the office is plummeting. According to a hearing transcript, Elias said to prosecutors that “you need to be concerned about the reputation of the office, because it’s not good.” “It’s clearly not good among the defense bar,” the judge continued. He went further, saying the reputation “was not good among judicial officers, many of whom were colleagues to people you still work with.”

The December hearing was unusual in that a colleague of Elias, Superior Court Judge Daniel B. Goldstein, who is also a former prosecutor, was present in the courtroom, as were Summer Stephan and Garland Peed, the top two supervisors of the District Attorney’s Office in Vista.

In court papers filed in preparation for today’s hearing, Deputy District Attorney Katherine Flaherty said Elias’ comments show that he can’t be impartial — and that in order to protect their rights to a fair hearing, he has to step down.

Second judge at odds with district attorney
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