Judge Candace Joan Beason #93497
License Status: Inactive
Address: PO Box 18824, Reno, NV 89511
County: Non-California County
Law School: Southwestern Univ SOL; Los Angeles CA
License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
Below you will find all changes of license status due to both non-disciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action
Present Inactive
4/17/2014 Inactive
9/20/1988 Judge
12/16/1980 Admitted to The State Bar of California
Beason ran for re-election to the superior court in 2012. As an unopposed incumbent, her name did not appear on the ballot. After the primary election, Beason was automatically re-elected.
See also: California judicial elections, 2012
Candace J. Beason was a judge for the Superior Court of Los Angeles County in California. Beason retired from the court on April 15, 2014.
Dishonorable Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Candace J. Beason
Judge Candace Beason pictured above second from the left with the red flower. Checking the California Bar Judge Candace Beason is no longer an active judge which might mean she was removed due to her dishonest practices and allowing dishonest attorneys to abuse the elderly. Judge Candace Beason’s full name is Judge Candace Joan Beason
In our case Judge Candace Beason ignored a verified petition proving beyond a doubt that Sylvia Schmidt and Lawyer Christopher Overgarrd perjured a petition forcing Gertrude Gettinger into a conservatorship to hide the Grand Theft of over $200k from Gertrude’ bank accounts in 2005. Schmidt and Overgaard also failed to notify family so not one would be able to object to their fraudulent petition and crimes.
Candace J. Beason was seen with X president of the Pasadena Bar Philip Barbaro Jr. who helped a Conservatorship abuser Sylvia Schmidt who was proven to have embezzled over $200k in bank accounts for her own mother Gertrude Gettinger. This totally dishonorable judge Candace J. Beason transferred to a court in northern CA to continue her abuse of the public all approved by the slime at the Commission of Judicial Performance.
Judge Candace Beason Pasadena CA Blog CA
Los Angeles Superior Court
There are vacancies as a result of the retirements last year of Judges John Meigs March 7, Candace Beason April 15, Wendy L. Kohn June 6, Antonio Barreto Jr. Sept. 5, Steven Ogden Sept. 24, James Steele Sept. 30, and Leslie A. Dunn Nov. 10, the elevations of Judge Brian Hoffstadt on Aug. 28 of last year and Judge Lee Edmon on Jan. 5 of this year to the Court of Appeal, and the retirement of Judge Thomas White on Feb. 19 of this year.
Lassen County District Attorney guilty of contempt of court
A visiting Lassen County Superior Court Judge found Lassen County District Attorney Stacey Montgomery guilty of contempt of court during a Friday, Aug. 30 hearing. Judge Candace Beason determined Montgomery willfully disobeyed a protective order issued Feb. 7 by Lassen County Superior Court Judge Mark Nareau in the Juan Ruiz Esqueda case and imposed a $250 fine.
Beason said she accepted Montgomery’s earlier apology to the court and said she believes Montgomery had a “momentary lapse” or rather “lost sight momentarily” of her role as a prosecutor. Beason said she ruled with lenience because of her experience with Montgomery’s prior conduct and her knowledge of a lack of serious prior marks on her professional history. Instead of the maximum $1,000 fine and up to five days in jail, Beason fined Montgomery only $250.
According to the minute order in the court file, “evidence has been presented beyond a reasonable doubt (that) there was a valid court order filed, that citee had knowledge of said order, that citee had the ability to comply with said order, that citee willfully violated said order and that citee is guilty of contempt … as charged.”
Beason ordered Montgomery to pay the $250 fine within 60 days, but the fine is stayed if the defense files a writ.
Montgomery said she thought the meeting was for her and other leaders to personally advise the President of the United States on immigration issues, but when Beason asked Montgomery what sort of advice she provided the president, she failed to provide an answer.
Wrangling in court
Beason called the Aug. 30 trial a “quazi-criminal proceeding,” one that required the court to do two things.
The first was for the court to show cause that Nareau’s protective order was valid and lawful. The second was for the court to show cause that Montgomery willfully violated the protective order when she had the opportunity to do so.
Beason found that Nareau, in making the determination to issue the protective order, did so to mirror the current rules of professional conduct for California attorneys, placing emphasis on rules 5-110 and 5-120. Rule 5-120, called Trial Publicity, says in Section A, “A member who is participating or has participated in the investigation or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that a reasonable person would expect to be disseminated by means of public communication if the member knows or reasonably should know that it will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter.”
The appeals court in this case also ruled that the physician-patient privilege could not be invoked to maintain confidentiality without limits.
The appeals court based its decision in part on the fact that the information at issue had already been published in a large, national newspaper, namely the Washington Post. Dr. Hurvitz appealed the gag order as an unconstitutional prior restraint on free speech.
In Hurvitz, it was found that allowing the gag order to protect the privacy of third party patients would make it virtually impossible to conduct discovery because of the broad nature of the confidentiality requirements in the gag order.
The appeals court in Hurvitz determined that the considerations identified by the trial court — the physician-patient privilege, the patient’s rights of privacy and dignity and the possibility of juror prejudice — were not sufficient to justify a prior restraint on speech in this case. This is the case that Early was attempting to draw similarities from, however, the example was not justifiable to Beason.
Beason countered Early’s argument, saying that as a prosecutor, Montgomery, unlike other citizens, is required to abide by and take into consideration ethics rules to which she was sworn as an attorney. She also noted the difference in Montgomery’s case as quazi-criminal as opposed to Hurvitz, which was a civil case.
Beason also told Early that Montgomery could have but did not take the opportunity to file or state an objection, nor file a writ to the gag order at the time of its issuance.
Early then told Beason Montgomery never anticipated the video of the Uptown vigil would be made public, even though her statements were made in public. Early also said Montgomery couldn’t recall if the video was posted on the Lassen County District Attorney’s official or personal Facebook account — which it was.
Early argued Nareau’s gag order failed to show a burden of proof that Montgomery’s statements would hinder Esqueda from having a fair trial, by speaking about Esqueda’s undocumented status or alleged prior convictions.
Beason said even if Esqueda were here illegally, he would still be entitled to his constitutional right to due process.
Early accused Beason of broadening the scope of the protective order, calling it “outrageous.”
The subject of Montgomery’s history practicing law also came into focus, to which, Early said Montgomery’s ethics “are beyond reproach.”
Beason also discussed Montgomery’s license status and administrative history — information available on the State Bar of California’s website. Beason noted minor incidents, — things such as late dues and a break in Montgomery’s continuing education. She also noted her knowledge of Montgomery’s conduct during trial, calling her prior behavior professional.
Early told the judge the minor incidents on Montgomery’s record were things many other lawyers would be able, yet reluctant, to admit.
Managing editor Sam Williams contributed to this story. FULL STORY
Pasadena Judge Candace J. Beason wronged me
RATE this judge to let the public know what this judge is doing to the public
People Associated with Judge Candace J. Beason
Sevanna Hartonians
Sevanna Hartonians moved to Southern California at the age of five and grew up in Los Angeles. She attended California State University, Northridge, where she double majored in Finance and Business Law. Sevanna attended Loyola Law School, Los Angeles and was admitted to the State Bar of California in 2013.
Sevanna joined Ajalat, Polley, Ayoob & Matarese as an associate in 2015. Her practice focuses solely on California State & Local Tax matters.
Prior to joining APAM, Sevanna worked for a plaintiff’s side litigation law firm where she gained experience in a number of practice areas, including construction defect, wage and hour, and consumer class action cases. During law school she was a judicial extern for the Honorable Candace J. Beason at the Los Angeles Superior Court and was a mediator/conciliator for Loyola Law School’s Center for Conflict Resolution.
Sevanna is a member of the taxation sections of the Beverly Hills Bar and Los Angeles County Bar Associations. She is also a member of the taxation and trusts and estates sections of the State Bar of California.
Judges Who Break the Law 5/23/12 1:27 PM
A conservatorship is made up of a conservator and a conservatee.
A “conservator of the person” is a person who is appointed by a judge to oversee someone else’s life and is given powers to make all personal decisions in that person’s life, i.e. where you will live; who you will see (if anyone); what foods you will eat; if you are to socialize or attend family gatherings or not; if you will receive dental care or not; if you will receive medical care or not; and the conservator of the person has full powers to administer any medications they want to change your behavior or to shut you up when you protest any wrong the conservator does to you.
A “conservator of the estate” is a person who is appointed by a judge to oversee someone else’s estate, assets, life savings, income and all things to do with your finances. They will decide how much of your money they will take for themselves by way of “fees”; they can take your assets from you and sell them, your vehicle, personal jewelry, your home and anything of value; they can take your income from you and keep it for themselves and there is nothing you can do to stop them. If you try suing, they will use your money to pay attorneys to defend them.
A “conservatee” is a person who is stripped of all their rights when placed under the control of a conservator appointed by a judge. The conservatee has no right to legal representation while under a conservatorship. The conservatee cannot marry while under a conservatorship. The conservatee has no rights at all.
These probate judges are abusing their powers of office to violate laws and people’s rights by holding conservatorships over people who do not want or need them, while the court appointed conservators evict innocent, hard working, tax paying citizens from their homes, incarcerate them, drug them, even kill them and steal their valuable properties.
Welcome to Probate Court These judges are committing crimes against us.
JUDGE AVIVA K. BOBB (Cal. Bar # 50146) denied Lee Peters‘ vital medical causing her death and awarded Lee’s entire million dollar estate to lawyers and conservators she appointed. A woman, surrounded by lawyers, spoke in a French accent when she addressed the audience in Judge Aviva K. Bobb’s courtroom “they have stripped me of everything. I have nothing left. I don’t even have enough to buy a stick of gum”.
A black woman in a wheelchair asked Judge Aviva K. Bobb “I had a ramp made over my steps, when can I go home?” Bobb had already ordered the sale of the woman’s house. Judge Aviva K. Bobb evicted and incarcerated Annie Hall’s father from his own home. He died a few months later from the stress of the move. Annie Hall sued Aviva Bobb and then disappeared.
For 4 years Judge Aviva K. Bobb presided over Los Angeles Probate Court and terrorized seniors for profit. Aviva Bobb pretended to “retire” in May 2009 after allegations of corruption. When in family court Judge Aviva K. Bobb denied 11 year old Jeanene Bonner’s voice in court. The child was afraid of her father. Bobb gave custody of the child to the father. The father murdered the child soon afterwards.
JUDGE REVA GOETZ (Cal. Bar # 102692) is holding 95 year old Jean Tanaka against her will in a basement unit where Mrs. Tanaka is being denied proper nutrition and appropriate medical care.
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Judges Who Break the Law 5/23/12 1:27 PM
When elder abuse expert, Dr. Laura Moire visited Mrs. Tanaka, then testified in court that Mrs. Tanaka is suffering from elder abuse and recommended that Mrs. Tanaka be returned to her original residence (her own home) and to the care of her daughter, Jeannie, Judge Reva Goetz placed a restraining order against Dr. Moire from visiting Mrs Tanaka again.
Judge Reva Goetz is holding Britney Spears in a conservatorship she neither wants or needs so the conservators can charge the pop star huge fees. It is well known that Gary Coleman’s parents exploited the child actor and left him with nothing.
JUDGE CANDACE BEASON (Cal. Bar # 93497) Gertrude Gettinger was holding down a job when she was conserved by her money-hungry daughter, Sylvia Schmidt. When Gertrude’s son, Robert contested the conservatorship a trial date was set. Judge Candace Beason denied Robert Gettinger’s constitutional rights when she refused to allow him to issue subpoenas or do any discovery that would have shown Schmidt to have committed crimes against Gertrude. “Judge Candace Beason was more interested in her hair appointments than holding a trial in this matter”, Robert Gettinger said. With the approval of Judge Candace Beason the conservator is administering dementia drugs to Gertrude who does not have dementia. The conservator sold Gertrude’s home and is holding her in a nursing home against her will – false imprisonment – while the conservator charges Gertrude huge fees.
JUDGE ELIZABETH FEFFER (Cal. Bar # 166001) Family court judge Elizabeth R. Feffer has violated her oath to defend the Constitution and to protect the people from all enemies foreign and domestic without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Feffer has violated time-honored standards to be fair, balanced, and impartial in rendering justice. She has demonstrated utter disregard for the statutory and constitutional laws that the Judicial Branch requires for evenhanded legal decisions. She has violated the Judicial Conduct Code by rendering outrageous, egregious, preordained, prejudiced, bigoted, unfounded, and distorted decisions.
Could JUDGE PETER MCBRIEN (Cal. Bar # 51039) have prevented Madeline’s murder? After a statewide AMBER Alert, two-year-old Madeline Layla Samaan-Fay was found near Placerville, CA in her father’s vehicle. She and her father Mourad Samaan were both dead. Samaan had a pattern of not returning his daughter Madeline from visits and had told her mother that he was taking the child to Oregon against the court order. Prior to the toddler’s death, Judge McBrien had refused to grant an ex parte request by Madeline’s mother to order law enforcement to locate the father and child, and to place Samaan on supervised visits. Judge McBrien had a perfect opportunity to prevent this tragedy, but refused to assist the mother Marcia Fay, a California Deputy Attorney General, in locating and protecting her child. California judges have a pattern of not believing women and children, and are trained to minimize concerns of mothers, according to Judge DeAnn Salcide (Ret), founder of Judicial Action Watch Society. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Judicial-Action-Watch- Society/219653241395520
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Judges Who Break the Law 5/23/12 1:27 PM
Judge Craig Kamansky Pedophiles, Penn State, and Judicial Commissions who allow it
Follow this link to find what happened to Arizona attorney, Grant Goodman when he attempted to expose the corruption of the probate court. The Bar Association de-licensed him. http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/attorney-grant-goodman-suspended-without-a-hearing
www.uglyjudge.com www.avivakbobb.com www.judgerevagoetz.com www.freebritney.com
http://www.examiner.com/public-policy-in-san-diego/pedophiles-penn-state- and-wait-the-court-giving-judges-a-pass
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Posted 28th May 2012 by Anonymous
Judge Candace Beason Pasadena Ca presided over the monkey court
Judge Candace Beason Pasadena Ca presided over the monkey court that saw my case with AZUKA L. UZOH ESQUIRE ATTORNEY ASSISTING THE CRIME MACHINE , They committed fraud and perjury against me with Azuka selling all my private info for my case against the city of Pasadena ca. No way should have any of that paper work gone through.
Posted 13th June 2012 by Anonymous
Take note to the loans, names in this Search done at this link NETRONLONE
These are ALL public records
Varner F. Alan
Snyder Jacob Kota
Parrott Hannah Elizabeth
Snyder Deanna Nicole
Snyder Kailee Ann
Hodgson Robert
Hodson Monique
[pdf-embedder url=”https://uglyjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Loans-to-Los-Angeles-County-Superior-Court-Probate-Judge-Candace-J.-Beason.pdf” title=”Loans to Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Judge Candace J. Beason”]
- Alternative Resolution Center
- Judge Anthony B. Drewry
- Judge Armen Tamzarian
- Judge Aviva K. Bobb
- 2005 Complaint filed against Judge Bobb in the Marshall Stern Case
- FrumehLabow.com ERASED PROOF
- JohnTRogersJr.com ERASED PROOF
- Ricky Ritch et al v. Aviva Bobb et al Central District of California, cacd-2:2006-cv-04795 MINUTES
- Ricky Ritch v. Aviva Bobb (2:06-cv-04795-CAS-JWJ)
- Ruling Over Someone’ Has Paid Off Handsomely Guardians for Profit
- Judge Barbara R. Johnson
- Judge Brenda J Penny
- Judge Candace J Beason
- Judge David J. Cowan
- Judge David Yaffe
- Judge Elizabeth A. Lippitt
- Judge James Bascue
- Judge John W. Ouderkirk
- Judge Joseph DeVanon
- Judge Joshua D. Wayser
- Judge Kevin C. Brazile
- Judge Luna Ana Maria
- Judge Mary Thornton House
- Judge Michael I. Levanas
- Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff
- Judge Patrick T. Madden
- Judge Randolph M. Hammock
- Judge Reva G. Goetz
- Judge Scott M. Gordon
- Judge Stanley Blumenfeld
- Judge Tamara E. Hall
- Judge Thomas Long
- Judge William P. Barry
- Judge Zaven Sinanian
- Los Angeles Superior Court LAUSD Fraud
- Superior Court Probate Division