Judge Kevin C. Brazile

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Kevin Brazil

Brazile, Kevin Clement #113355
Addmitted Los Angeles June 1984


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Judge Kevin Clement Brazile is a judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. He was appointed to the bench in 2002 by former governor Gray Davis.

Judge Brazile graduated cum laude with his B.A. in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1980. The first in his family to attend college, Brazile worked odd jobs in the evening to pay for his classes at UCLA. He went on to earn his J.D. from UCLA School of Law in 1983.

After passing the California State Bar in 1984, Brazile began his legal career at the Los Angeles County Counsels Office, where he would remain for 18 years. While there, Brazile started out as a deputy county counsel before rising to the position of division chief and then ultimately assistant county counsel for the General Litigation Division. During his tenure as division chief, Brazile held the distinction of being the first African American to hold that position. His role at the County Counsel’s Office involved overseeing the defense of police officers accused of misconduct, instances of employment discrimination, as well as sexual assault litigation. He argued before state and federal courts. Brazile remained with the County Counsel’s Office until his appointment to the Superior Court in 2002.

During his time on the bench, Judge Brazile served as a site judge for the West Covina courthouse, and a supervising judge of the downtown civil departments. Then, in 2016, he was elected to serve as an assistant presiding judge.

Brazile served on the Judicial Council Civil Advisory Committee.

He also served on the board of the California Judges Association.

In 1994, Brazile received the Civil Attorney of the Year Award from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Above are Brazile, wife Nitra Brazile, Carol Chiang (Lee Baca’s wife) and then-Sheriff Lee Baca at a reception for the enrobing of Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Dalila Lyons

Above are Brazile, wife Nitra Brazile, Carol Chiang (Lee Baca’s wife) and then- GUILTY OF CRIMES Sheriff Lee Baca at a reception for the enrobing of Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Dalila Lyons.

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