How to set up a Website

1. Determine a suitable domain name and set up service at this LINK

Remember shorter domain names are better, keep it simple. Imagine having to tell a person over the phone how to spell the domain.  If .com is not available think about .org, .net or other domains. For example
Try using numbers as well.

First check for an available DOMAIN NAME at
Click>DOMAINS at the top then >REGISTER DOMAIN enter your choice in the “Find your new Domain name”, select the .com/.net etc handle to the right
Click on Search

What does it cost for a Website
Month to Month  Low as $3.82 a month
$27.55 Semi-Annually ($4.59 per month)
$50.28 Annually ($4.19 per month)
$96.19 Biennially ($4.00 per month)
$137.74 Triennially ($3.82 per month)

Signing up at  No additional  are needed at this time

We are a hosting company you can rely on and we deliver the service our customers expect. Unlike most hosting providers, we don’t try to trap you with “unlimited hosting” plans, because such things simply do not exist in reality. We also won’t spam your mailbox with endless marketing emails. You will receive emails just a few times a year and only in case we believe it is something important. You will be charged only the prices that are shown on the website. There are no hidden costs or setup fees. In case you decide to upgrade your service, we don’t charge extra for it. You will only pay the difference between your existing service and the service to which you wish to upgrade.

Mid-way Location to Serve Visitors from Europe and America

Our geographical location gives us unique benefits to provide an equally fast connection to both major internet markets, America and Europe. You can connect to us from Europe within 29ms and within 39ms from the USA. This way, your website will always load in high speed and with low latency from both continents.

Anonymous and Private Web Hosting Solution
We take protecting your privacy seriously. You may have read occasionally in the news about large customer databases being compromised and how people’s personal information was stolen by hackers. With us, you don’t have to worry about such things. First of all, we only ask you to provide your email address to use our services, so there won’t be much information for any prospective hacker to steal. After all, we don’t need to know much about you to be able to provide you a satisfactory service, do we? We also invest significantly into the security of our systems. We never reveal any information regarding our clients to a third party, including domestic or foreign governments.

We protect Your Freedom of Speech
Our job is to ensure that you won’t be censored or harassed by someone who doesn’t agree with you. We will keep your website up and running as long as there is no violation of our Terms of Service or the Icelandic laws.

Select the payment option above depending on the term. Again no Add ons
Go to check out, Pay and when your website info page with links and
password arrive you’re ready to start.

2. Once set up install WordPress via the control panel

Please contact us if you need help setting up your website. Once set up it’s simple to add text, pages and content. Plus promote your website on Google so every time someone Google’s the victim or criminals name your website appears.

Don’t let them get away with it, Expose them and let the world know.

We recommend and personally use Orange Website, Iceland operated and owned. 24/7 help is available for all your questions and concerns.

Web hosting in Iceland -

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