Montana Government

“Bill Windsor has been charged with violating a Montana protective order from his home in Dallas, Texas.

To charge someone with such a crime, prosecutors Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst had to swear that William M. Windsor intentionally committed these five crimes…
…but they have NO SUCH EVIDENCE.
Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have committed prosecutorial misconduct and have filed false pleadings with the Missoula Montana Courts.
As there is no evidence, there is no probable cause for the five criminal charges against Bill Windsor, and Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have filed false sworn pleadings with the courts.
Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst, where’s the evidence?  Bill Windsor says you have produced no such evidence, and you told Judge James A. Haynes that ALL evidence had been provided.
As Bill Windsor has sworn under oath that he never intentionally committed any crime, the only honorable thing for you to do is to dismiss all charges.  He has repeatedly offered to be polygraphed.
If you don’t dismiss all charges, it simply provides further proof that you are dishonest, corrupt, and have a void of moral and ethical values. Montana Corruption appears to be one of the USA’s worse most corrupt states

Jennifer Clark, Tyler Dugger, and Kirsten Pabst have committed prosecutorial misconduct and have filed false pleadings with the Missoula Montana Court
State Integrity Montana: The story behind the score

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