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- About Us
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- Gettinger Gertrude
- 2001 07 19 Franz L Gettinger Official Austrian Will
- 2001 11 05 Email Schmidt Sylvia Mama seems fine
- 2006 12 04 Social Worker tells S. Schmidt Gertrude does not need locked home only Custodial Care
- 2006 12 08 Attorney Christopher Overgaard unable to Serve Gertrude Gettinger Victim
- 2006 12 15 Christopher Overgaard perjures Statememt about Search for Robert Gettinger via Private Investigator
- 2008 01 01 Gettinger Missing Bank Accounts (Prior to the conservatorship never reported by Sylvia Schmidt to the Court)
- 2008 04 25 Sylvia Schmidt tells Dr Said Jacob to sign a medical evaluation letter she has written which supports her version of events
- 2008 09 28 Gettinger Gertrude LAPD Report Suspect Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt
- 2008 10 08 Aviva K Bobb Presiding Judge Involved with a history of Probate court abuse
- 2008 Sylvia Tells Doctor Trader court appointed Psyche exam Doctor what medications Gertrude Gettinger has been on
- 2009 04 22 Deposition of Sylvia Schmidt Sylvia states she moved away from her mother in 1982
- 20STPB02843 Case Summary Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Division
- Conservatorship Rights and Rules USELESS because they’re ignored
- GP012634 Case Summary Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Division
- Sylvia Information
- Sylvia makes drug list
- The Uglyiest
- Gettinger Gertrude
- How Sociopaths get away with Crime
- Probate Rape
- Psychopath Hides Behind False Image
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- Gettinger Gertrude
- Case GP012634 Gertrude Gettinger Conservatorship Documents
- 2001 11 05 S Schmidt Email moving to San Marino all well with Gertrude
- 2006 09 25 LAPD Burglary Report Suspects Sylvia and Gary A. Schmidt DR 06-06-28425 Report.pdf
- 2008 01 01 Gertrude Gettinger GP012634 Reported Bank accounts and missing Bank accounts
- 2009 04 22 Deposition of Sylvia Schmidt Sylvia states she moved away from her mother in 1982
- In a nutshell
- TimeLine
- Case GP012634 Gertrude Gettinger Conservatorship Documents
- Johnathan Cuevas
- Ken Sheppard
- Lee Peters Conservatorship BP085494
- Marlene Pinnock
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- Ricky Ritch
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- Alternative Resolution Center
- Judge Anthony B. Drewry
- Judge Armen Tamzarian
- Judge Aviva K. Bobb
- 2005 Complaint filed against Judge Bobb in the Marshall Stern Case
- Ricky Ritch et al v. Aviva Bobb et al Central District of California, cacd-2:2006-cv-04795 MINUTES
- Ricky Ritch v. Aviva Bobb (2:06-cv-04795-CAS-JWJ)
- Ruling Over Someone’ Has Paid Off Handsomely Guardians for Profit
- Judge Barbara R. Johnson
- Judge Brenda J Penny
- Judge Candace J Beason
- Judge David J. Cowan
- Judge David Yaffe
- Judge Elizabeth A. Lippitt
- Judge James Bascue
- Judge John W. Ouderkirk
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- Judge Reva G. Goetz
- Judge Scott M. Gordon
- Judge Stanley Blumenfeld
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- Judge Zaven Sinanian
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- America’s Corrupt Legal System – A Danger to All
- Cathedral City Government
- Charles Quackenbush
- Department of Health care
- EAH Housing
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- Julia G. Ansel
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- Heroes
- Aaron Swartz
- Angela Turner Drees
- Announcing the Guardianship Shield Program
- Another Probate Murder?
- Antonio Buehler
- Attorney Defies Subpoena in Alleged “Murder for Money” Scheme
- Attorney Michelle MacDonald
- Bill Windsor
- Cary-Andrew Crittenden
- Christopher David
- Crystal L. Cox
- Disney Family Sherry and Bradford Lund
- Doctor Les Sachs
- Don Bailey
- Duncan Hicks
- Gene Forte
- Grant Goodman
- IRS Covers up Reports of Public Guardian Tax Fraud
- John Carrman
- Judge Deann Salcido
- Judge Mary Elizabeth Bullock
- Judson Witham
- Julia Davis
- Julian Assange
- Justice John F. Molloy
- Kerri Kasem
- Lawyer Marc Angelucci
- Leo Thalassites
- Melodie Scott-The Road Goes on Forever
- Officer Donna Jane Watts
- Officer Justin Roby
- Police Hiding and Obscuring Reports Relating to Melodie Scott
- Public Guardian to Expand Powers to Seize Assets
- Ramsey Orta
- Randy Hayes
- Rense Steps up to the Plate, Runs Guardianship Interview
- Richard Fine
- Robert Ledogar
- Robert Sarhan MD
- Sgt. Jim Gavin
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- The Probate Murders Part One
- The Probate Murders: Part Three
- The Probate Murders: Part Two
- Vicki Thomas Miami Police
- ADA abuse Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act Legal abuse
- Amazon banning reviews to protect sellers or buyers?
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- Handbook for Conservators California 2016
- Justice Sleeps While Seniors Suffer
- Research Judges using Publicly Available Records
- Ruling Over Someone Has Paid Off Handsomely
- Self Certification Form
- The “Murder for Profit” scheme
- The Sanborn Team
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- 2007/12 Gettinger Gertrude GP012634 1st Accounting
- 2010/05 Gettinger Gertrude GP012634 2nd Accounting
- 2012/02 Gettinger Gertrude GP012634 3rd Accounting
- 2014/01 Gettinger Gertrude GP012634 4th Accounting
- 2016/02 Gettinger Gertrude GP012634 5th Accounting
- Documents Filed
- Proceedings Held
- 2010 08 12 United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons.pdf
- 2015 01 27 obscene emails and declaratory judgments and RICO order
- 2020 04 21 Trump Lawsuit
- 2020 04 21 Trump Lawsuit Appendix and Exhibits
- 2020 06 10 Dear Ivanka Letter
- 2020 06 13 Letter to Brad
- 2020 06 14 We support and thank you for what you do and want to unite with you… All Lives Matter
- 2020 06 15 Brad Parscale and Donald Trump Urgent Stop the Murder of Our Parents
- 2020 06 16 We applaud and support you and Judge Sullivan
- 2020 06 19 Kayleigh McEnany Donald Trump to stop human trafficking and murder of our parents
- 2020 06 21 Letter to Legal Community and International media.docx
- 2020 06 26 Criminal Complaint Filed with Robert Senior
- 2020 06 26 Letter to Robert Senior with photo
- 2020 07 06 Letter to Sherriff Mahoney
- Corrupt Judge List Add yours
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- Documents
- Retired Judge Aviva K Bobb