Los Angeles Superior Court Judge William P. Barry
William Patrick Barry #81530
License Status: Inactive
Address: PO Box 91015, Los Angeles, CA 90009-1015
County: Los Angeles County
Law School: Catholic U of Amer Columbus SOL; Washington DC
License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
Below you will find all changes of license status due to both non-disciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action
Present Inactive
3/8/2018 Inactive
1/29/2001 Judge
11/29/1978 Admitted to The State Bar of California
This judge does not provide a fair hearing. He ignores procedural violations, claiming that that are not “substantive.” He accepts unpublished opinions to support unsubstantiated claims. He does not read briefs carefully and therefore arrives at the wrong conclusions. He apparently decides based on “gut feeling” rather than upon careful analysis of facts presented to him. In one case, when asked, he justified his decision by saying, “It seems reasonable.” On his last day in court, he displayed disregard for the facts and logic of the case, and seemed intent on simply getting the case over with. SEE ROBING ROOM
Feb 23rd, 2017
Debra C. from Los Angeles, CA writes:
I have written 4 letters regarding the conduct of Judge William Barry. There have been blatant constitutional violations and also in code of ethics. I have written Judge Buckley who is the presiding judge and to date have just received cursory answers. I have written the Judicial Review Board and they acknowledged mistakes but didn’t think they were ethical just errors of incompetence. 2/22/2017 Judge overruled an objection to proper notice and proceeded with sale of property without giving access for the defendants to review or object. He wrote court orders to change locks on the doors when he tried to do an eviction through the probate court rather than allow legal civil procedures. He has continually been egregious in bending the law to obtain his desired outcome. In the proceedings on 2/22/17 he asked the buyer if he had been noticed. The buyer responded no, Judge Barry then asked him if he wanted the notice waived. The plaintiffs turned around and told him to say yes and Judge Barry then waived his notice and afterwards asked his name. In addition, thus person was never even sworn in. The realtor in this proceeding was contacted by the court and the information was used against the defendant. This came out in another investigation.
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