California Victims dealing with Elder abuse such as Conservatorship/Guardianship abuse:

Write Governor Newsom using
You will need to:
a) check  
b)  enter first & last name
c) enter email address (not physical address)
d) find SB-1123 in a long list in alphabetical order. (I would suggest typing SB01123 quickly or scrolling down)
e) click
f) Select  

g) Optional in the : box ask the Governor to sign SB-1123 to protect elders.

Law enforcement has exclusive jurisdiction over abuse investigations, not social workers like APS or ombudsmen.  See Penal Code 368.5.

(a) Local law enforcement agencies and state law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction have concurrent jurisdiction to investigate elder and dependent adult abuse and all other crimes against elder victims and victims with disabilities.

(b) Adult protective services agencies and local long-term care ombudsman programs also have jurisdiction within their statutory authority to investigate elder and dependent adult abuse and criminal neglect, and may assist local law enforcement agencies in criminal investigations at the law enforcement agencies’ request, if consistent with federal law; however, law enforcement agencies retain exclusive responsibility for criminal investigations, notwithstanding any law to the contrary.

One of the biggest problems with victims is getting help. Often Police, FBI and DOJ will ignore or deny filing reports against corruption and abuse of power. This points to the fact they’re accessories to the crimes.

EXPOSURE is the number one key to getting help to your cause. Judges are well known for doing their dirty work behind chamber walls, labeling victims as Vexatious litigants which is the judges way to silence you and stop you from representing yourself in court. Judges can threaten and manipulate lawyers via the bar but they can’t do this to you, thus its not in their favor to have you represent yourself.

1. Find other victims in your area and network with them, find out what has already been done and help one another with support. Going to court with a group of people is far more effective. When judges see a crowd of people in the court room often they behave.

2. Join social networking groups that are free, like Facebook, Google+ and twitter. Decades ago victims were isolated and it was nearly impossible to find others. Today its made easy.

3. Build your own website, even free ones are available with the use of WordPress. Get your story out there, post the names of all involved so other victims using Google will find you. It will be your word against theirs however yours is the truth which is what they fear. Its only a matter of time till the pressure is too much.

4. Never use violence or threats, even mentioning what should be done is reason for them to act. Then they’ll lie and make it into something worse. Remember you’re dealing with dishonest, unethical people.

5. File reports and request help, document your reporting with certified mail, record everything. While they’ll tell you recording people is illegal, police do it all the time without telling you. Buy an inexpensive audio recording device and
keep it in your pocket all the time “ON”.


You’ll note police will use dash cams to protect themselves when convenient for them but not for you. Close circuit TV is everywhere. Buy a digital camera (or a good cell phone with camera) ensure it takes sharp photos. Don’t be afraid to use it, document, record and take note of times and dates with a log. The dirty people will use dishonest and illegal things to attack you, so arm yourself with digital protection.

6. File reports with the state, local and city legal bars, even if nothing is done, it must be documented for use later. Find websites like and list all the parties with separate complaints so they get indexed and found on Google.

Finally when several victims come forward and report crimes, corruption and violation of rights, there’s a better chance you’ll be taken seriously.

If you feel you have a documented case of injustice we want to hear your story and get it out to the public.  This is only the initial communication with the Center.  Upon receiving the completed form the Center Review committee will determine if your story should be pursued for further media exposure. HERE

When writing a letter or report stick to the facts
Who= the abusers, or allowing abuse
What = what kind of abuse or deprivation of rights
Where= what county and state
When= date of when this happen
Why= why do you think it happen, examples control, profit.

The Five W’s, Five W’s, and one H, or the Six W’s are questions which answers are considered basic in information-gathering.
They include Who, What, When Where, and Why.
The 5 W’s are often mentioned in journalism (news style), research, and police investigations.
They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on a subject.

According to the principle of the Five Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word

  • Who is it about?
  • What happened?
  • When did it take place?
  • Where did it take place?
  • Why did it happen?


Visit our LINKS page for more help.

Use Social Media to spread the word and find other victims in your area, your court. The key is unity in groups and masses.
We are also victims and knee deep in the same mess so don’t expect us to respond right away. This website has been created by a victim doing his best to help share what’s going on. Please understand we’ve been affected financially by the criminal judges and the court so we can’t always help.


Keep records of everything you do make copies, screenshots and PDF’s

File complaints against all the lawyers involved with your city bar and the state bar.
File complaints against all the judges you encountered with the state
Report the crimes and abuse to the FBI
Report the crimes to the DOJ
Report the crimes to your city attorney
Report the crimes to your local county attorney general
Report the crimes to your state attorney general

The point is the above should be protecting us but they fail to do so and this needs to be documented.

support the victims not the guilty

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