Police Officers and their Unions should Face the Same Scrutiny as Teachers

Police Officers and their Unions should Face the Same Scrutiny as Teachers

Police Officers and their Unions should Face the Same Scrutiny as Teachers
Be sure to read this excellent story on yet another reason why Police are out of control in America. HERE

More info on Police Unions
How Police Unions and Arbitrators Keep Abusive Cops on the Street
Officers fired for misconduct often appeal the decision and get reinstated by obscure judges in secretive proceedings.

Why We Can’t Support Police Unions
A labor movement that seeks to fight oppression has no room for police unions.

Pros and Cons of Police Unions
1. Police Unions Protect Bad Cops
2. Unions Worsen Police Race Relations

The Bad Kind of Unionism
When police unions have widened their gaze beyond issues like compensation and working conditions, it’s been almost exclusively to conservative ends.

Police Unions’ Defense of ‘Bad Cops’ Draws Criticism in Brutality Debate
The Baltimore police union representing the six officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death drew criticism this week when it began collecting donations for the officers’ living and legal expenses

Our Police Union Problem
FOR decades now, conservatives have pressed the case that public sector unions do not serve the common good.

Police unions, organized labor have rarely seen eye to eye
Unionized police officers have never sat comfortably within the broader labor movement, according to historians

Recent events suggest Republicans have given them a pass for far too long
South Carolina Cops Not Entitled To Workers’ Comp If They Are Traumatized By Killing Someone
Ugly Facebook Post From The Police Union In Columbia, Missouri
Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards’ Unions

Why We Need Independent Prosecutors

Imagine a person is “Against Killing people” and because that killer happens to be a police officer the unions support them. This is exactly the message Police Unions are sending out to Americans. Imagine that Police Unions boycott a person for speaking out about Murder? Now that’s what Police Unions are all about, police officers who run these unions who can’t accept wrong and help killers and criminals get away. Just because they have a badge….

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