Alfonso Limon











Alfonso Limon Jr. shot to death by accident by Oxnard Police
October 13, 2012 All the officers fired their weapons after which
Alfonso was shot to death by mistake

Officers involved
1. John Brisslinger
2. Ernie Orozco
3. Don Ehrhardt
4. Jess Aragon
5. Rocky Marquez
6. Pedro Rodriguez
7. Ryan Lockner
8. Zack Stiles
9. Matthew Ross

All nine officers fired weapons on the night of Oct. 13, she said. The situation arose from a traffic stop in the La Colonia neighborhood during which two of three suspects fled from a vehicle and shots were fired at police. One suspect, 24-year-old Jose Zepeda, died in a shootout in the densely populated area.

Oxnard police say they mistook bystander for suspect, fatally shot him

Oxnard police name 9 officers involved in La Colonia fatal shooting

Oxnard community protests police shooting

Police rifle was used in fatal shooting of Oxnard bystander, court filings show

Alfonso Limon Jr. Memorial Facebook page

Because of trigger happy police who put their lives over the public
much pain and loss is forced upon the people. We hire the wrong people and give them authority. We give guns and badges to people who have no business having them. The biggest problem is when these monsters cause harm to the people government fails to protect us, stop them or even get involved in their removal.



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