Jerry Cox Videos

Interview with Jerry Cox False allegation gone wild Sep 29, 2017
You can donate to Jerry’s fundraiser here (Bronz Huntington is Jerry’s online handle):… Relevant screenshots: Jerry’s channel:… Mariposa County’s Counsel (attorney representing the county and its representatives, agencies, departments and officers). Email address below if you want to voice your opinion to him: [email protected] (IF YOU WISH TO EMAIL THIS PERSON, PLEASE BE POLITE, NON-AGGRESSIVE AND REFRAIN FROM CUSS-WORDS AND OVERT HOSTILITY–NONE OF THAT WILL HELP JERRY AND WILL ONLY CAUSE HIM MORE GRIEF)

Mariposa County Public Corruption Mar 5, 2019
Mariposa County Public Corruption is obvious in this video as they abuse their powers and tell property owners such as myself, how to decorated your structures and making owners pay to remove permited improvements. Mariposa County collaborated with Mark Adams from California Receivership Group and Policing for Profit attorneys Silver and Wright a property seizure scheme on my home. Manipulation and abuse of receivership laws and government powers towards property seizure and theft is a serious offense of which needs restriction and discipline.

Mariposa County Corruption – Wisdom trumps Youth” Jan 23, 2018
January 22, 2018 just before court a large group of protestors many from Mariposa County including a large group of Seniors and Mariposa County elders! A corrupt, Mariposa County DA Thomas Cooke, along with a corrupt, Mariposa County Judge Honorable Dana Walton, can’t fool local residents and seniors who are actually some of my most favorite people to listen to as a role model. They have personally witnessed and seen things we may have never and may never ever will! They are not as far removed as younger folk to how hard our American parents fought in WWI and WWII. They died and bravely fought to give us our freedom and preserve our constitutional rights of which many of them not honored and respected here in Mariposa County?

Mariposa County” more lies caught on video! Aug 21, 2017
When Mariposa County officials loose their fake criminal case retaliate a fraudulent “Mark Adams Receivership on my home! Mariposa County Corruption used unethical lawyers Silver and Wright and tag team partner Mark Adams from California Receivership Group on this evil LAND GRAB”

“Mariposa County Corruption” Aug 17, 2017
Mariposa County stated I’m a “horder” trash, junk, batteries, gas cans everywhere etc. I haven’t yet to see 1 trash pile out here in 15 years!! Mariposa County claimed fire trucks and rescue equipment can’t use the state bridge on the ranch and gave me 30 days to remove bridge or abate! Witness Mariposa County Corruption and lies first hand in this video! Plus if you go to Google Earth or Mark Adams California receivership Group website… you will see the property never had “junk piles” like Mariposa County and unethical lawyers “Silver and Wright LLP” and “Mark Adams California Receivership Group” alleged in the 101 violations.

“Cox vs “Mariposa Corruption” – Before Receivership! Sep 8, 2017
No health code violations and very well maintained! Mariposa County officials state small RV deck and greenhouse are illegal? Watch fire truck go over bridge Mariposa says it’s not possible! You be the judge!! This expense and foolishness is a waiste of tax payers money!

“Judge Dana Walton Mariposa County Corruption” Jan 23, 2018
A retired U.S. Marine and a Mariposa business owner were part of large group of protestors in front of the “Mariposa Court House” with “Judge Dana Walton” residing on a case involving the courts unethical attempts to steal a local resident’s home!! Jerry Cox hand built, using his sawmill and his timber, a beautiful legal log cabin from scratch! This process took him many years! However, Mariposa County’s unethical lawyers “Silver and Wright” and their court appointed scam artist “Mark Adams” from “California Recievership Group” collaborate with phoney trumped up code violations to remove Cox from his home almost 2 years ago. Now listed for sale, the question remains ” When is Mariposa County judge Dana Walton gona drop out of this despicable and deplorable land theft scam? Please subscribe to my channel and share, exposure is key! Thank U!… In the Cox’s case, local contractors found only $7900 in minor code violations yet, theres a $257k lien against his home for rehabilitation and another $300k in receivership fees. Ignoring the facts all the way from exaggerated code violations enforcements to ignoring exculpitory evidence against false accusations on a woman that simply cries wolf may not be the recommended path for a local government!.… Mariposa County Judge Dana Walton

“Cox vs Corruption” – In case you didn’t know Sep 28, 2017
“In case you didn’t know” “Thomas Cooke” Mariposa County DA had no case yet, cost tax payers over 1 million dollars! Maybe his name should be Thomas Crook? “In case you didn’t know ” Mariposa’s fradulent receivership case currently on my home/ranch is headed in the same path under “Steven Dahlem” supervision – Mariposa County Council! “In case you didn’t know” Mariposans will have no choice but, too pay for our elected officals mistakes! The obvious is a huge tax increase perhaps on our property unless we do something now! I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:… Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!! See videos below!!

“Marshall Long” Caught on Camera Apr 24, 2018

For clarification we provided requested additional footage and to best of our ability the Dialog:

Marshall’s vendors/ Diane Fritz n company/Happy Burger) No pets allowed, she was a VERY NICE, nice lady I felt bad turning them away. Bill, Bill he’s using your name that he’s your friend. (Bill)Well yeah thats ok.

(Gerry)You know if they were thrown out thats not cool but, you don’t say GET THE HELL OUT of my ranch. (Marshall) it was SAID BY ME and i had good reason to say being they were discouraging these people they had no reason to do that. (Gerry) You still need to ACT like a gentleman.

(Marshall’s vendors/ Diane Fritz n company/Happy Burger)you can take note of that as well sir. (Gerry) I am you haven’t heard me say anything foul. (Marshall’s wife Robin) OH I have. (Marshall) Just READ your Face book posts Gerry. (Gerry) Every bit of its the truth.

(Robin)oh we are on video. (Jerry Cox) I’m just trying to protect myself I don’t want to get into the middle of this (Marshall) u OUT turn it off. OUT (Jerry Cox) just trying to protect myself sir!

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Ashley K. Harris lies exposed! Dec 29, 2018
The night that Ashley K. Harris said that she was raped, kidnapped, and held hostage THERE WERE 4 OTHER people in the same 800 square foot cabin with her including a REAL FEMALE victim of past rape! Mariposa County Sheriff Department did ABSOLUTELY NO investigation other than listen to a false accuser/con artist to IMMEDIATELY frame a INNOCENT man. The motive, Ashley Harris received a lump sum of $2,900 for assistance. One quick back ground check from authorities on “Ashley K. Harris Grifter” would have proved to authorities that she has also used the same tactic to scam insurance companies and past rape victims! Women that falsely accused men and try to destroy their lives should go to PRISON!…

Mark Adams California Receivership Group Feb 22, 2019
Mark Adams and his guards seized my property 2 years ago for alleged 101 health and safety code violations. Contractors later verified that there were no such violations yet, Mark Adams from California Receivership Group has my home listed for sale to cover his trumped up fees of $650k.

“Public Corruption” at its Finest as I was falsely accused of 15 felonies by Mariposa County in late 2015. Once case started to crumble and all charges dismissed, Mariposa County formulated a plan to remove me from the county by using unethical “Policing for Profit” attorneys Silver and Wright from Irvine, California. This firm coaches authorities on how to exaggerate code violations, most times straight out perjury to the courts, and tag teams these schemes with infamous Mark Adams from California Receivership Group.

Mark Adams from California Receivership Group concurs with these phoney code violations and his M/O is to ask the judge for trumped up rehabiltation fees. As a result his firm will pocket hundreds of thousands, perform no rehabiltation nor any of his fiduciary duties, and induce a lien sale of your home to pay absorbent receivership fees.

Mariposa County Corruption – Bison Creek Ranch Aug 16, 2017
Mariposa County corruption at its finest as county lawyers, Silver and Wright LLC and receiver Mark Adams, lied in court proceedings as they alleged violations of health codes in which Cal Fire can’t access due to inadequate road and state bridge! They claimed in court no ingress nor egress available in regards to fire and rescue! You be the judge!… I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:… Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

“Mariposa County Corruption” vs “Cal Fire” Aug 18, 2017
Mariposa alledged 5 individual times out of the 101 violations that Combustibles, junk, and debris are in piles about my structures to get their “RECEIVERSHIP” ! Cal Fire contradicted these claims and the court ignored their documents. Doesn’t state over ride county? Also see “Cox vs Corruption” I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:… Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

“Mariposa County” Corruption Mark Adams CRG Dec 14, 2017
On December 13th 2017 we got permission to inspect the “Lodge” for any violations and didn’t find any! The county calls this structure “storage/ag building” yet it’s permitted with bathroom, fireplace, kitchen, wrap around porch, and taxed greater than the “guest house” here on the ranch!… I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:… Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

False Accuser lies Exposed Dec 21, 2018
DA Thomas Cooke of Mariposa County admits that false accuser Ashley K Harris LIED UNDER OATH and has lost all credibility living her fake rape case accusation FOR 2 YEARS! The MOTIVE this woman received $2,900 in assessment for filing a false police report in which the funds tax payers finance are suppose to go towards helping REAL victims relocate. In Ashley Harris case, she did not have to relocate as she did not even live in Mariposa County. Instead, This MALE PREDATOR CON ARTIST pockets the money and spends it as she wishes up in San Luis Obispo County.…

Mark Adams California Receivership Mar 1, 2019
Mark Adams, a California receiver has control over my property and as a health and safety expert you would think he would know better especially, since hes trying to sell my property for his trumped up fees of $700kMariposa County hired “Mark Adams” and “Silver and Wright” law firm to manipulate property rights by “policing for profit” and excessive property seizure. This is “public corruption” at its finest!

Mariposa County ” Public Corruption” Feb 22, 2019
In 2015, it was a normal fall sunny day until, I was falsely accused by a male predator false accuser of 15 heinous felonies. Mariposa County law enforcement immediately took me into custody at $500k bail. While gone they removed my husky mix dogs from my home and shot them. Once fake criminal case started to crumble and ALL 15 felonies dismissed, Mariposa County formulated a plan to remove me out of their county. With help from unethical “policing for profit lawyers Silver and Wright” and tag team schemer “Mark Adams from California Receivership Group”, Mariposa County formulated a fradulent health and safety receivership involving 101 alleged code violations. Caught in their lies, Judge Dana Walton still playing along and allows non neutral receiver to list my home for sale. “Public Corruption” at its finest, you be the judge!…

California Receivership Group Mar 1, 2019

Mark Adams, a California receiver has control over my property and as a health and safety expert you would think he would know better especially, since hes trying to sell my property for his trumped up fees of $700k. Mark Adams has my property listed for sale advertising heaven on earth, violating real estate law as he nor anyone has even seen the cabin behind this road of downed trees.

Fact is, Mark Adams knows nothing about maintaining a ranch as he is a city boy from Santa Monica and has not rehabiltated any health and safety but instead his lack of experience has made many more issues here.

Mariposa County hired “Mark Adams” and “Silver and Wright” law firm to manipulate property rights by “policing for profit” and excessive property seizure. This is “public corruption” at its finest!

California Receiver Group Feb 23, 2019
After 2 years of alleged 101 health and safety code violations, Jerry Cox is now safe to go home! He first finds his secured property unsecured as his horses are all out running loose. After herding them back home he opens his door to see “Mark Adams from California Receivership Group” and his guards that used his home never turned the water off! What a scam of “public corruption” as “Mariposa County officials” and a group of dirty lawyers, “Silver and Wright Policing for Profit”, they hired manipulated receivership laws in sole purpose attempts to steal his home! see more!…

“Mariposa County” CORRUPTION – Mark Adams Nov 22, 2017
“Mariposa County corruption” at its finest. On November 21 2017, I was able to go home for 2 hours to fix a gate and remove my horses and donkeys! Four months into “Mariposa County” appointed “Mark Adams” receivership and nothing been done despite “Judge Dana Walton” court order to get me back home last month! No one wants to work with “Mark Adams – California Receivership Group” on his plan as he is required to have a civil engineer approve his plan for rehabilitation! “Mariposa County” and “Mark Adams” are caught within their web of lies as there are no health code violations nor nothing to rehabilitate in the first place!… I would love it if you took a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:… Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much! *see also “Cox vs Corruption”


“Mariposa Corruption” Dewilter Fire Oct 23, 2017
The appointed receiver states I abandoned my animals during the Dewilter Fire! When in fact, I was there the whole time and for over a week not allowed to leave as there was no escape route and roads were closed! No structures were burned and all animals safe an accounted for as I left 10 am same day the receivers guards showed up!

“Mariposa County” Corruption – “Mark Adams” CRG Oct 19, 2017
Here is my Arab “Pale Rider!” I just legally removed him from “Mark Adams” CRG. “Mariposa County” and the receiver have no ideal of the big hole they keep digging! Video shows my favorite horse “Pale Rider” totally neglected under the authority of “Mark Adams” over the past 100 days! Get this the armed guards at my home nor “Mark Adams” CRG the appointed “California receivership group” receiver alleged enforcer for “health and saftey” didn’t even have a clue that one of my horses a mare named “Drifty” is totally missing from the rest if the herd of 5 horses!… Please see my Facebook post of her pic and let me know if you find me her!! She is very sweet and gentle! Please watch and share my interview below and subscribe to my channel to stay informed!

Mariposa Corrupt County! Oct 19, 2017
Mariposa scams land owner into receivership alleging 101 health code violations just to simply deprive him of his property and liberty! 100 days later no work has been done and its costing him 200k for Los Angeles receiver Mark Adams and 100k for Mariposa’s Orange County lawyer Matt Silver! Stop this corruption because you will next!

“Mariposa County” Corruption “Mark Adams” Oct 19, 2017

“Mariposa County” appointed “Mark Adams- CRG” and also hired the unethical practices of “Silver & Wright Law Firm” to formulate a land grab schemes against me. After 100 days in the hands of “Health and Saftey” scam artist “Mark Adams” Take note of trash left by guards, broken down gates, and lime green water! “Mariposa County”, this is truly a stupid decision and a scam tax payers will have to pay for from our elected officials mistakes!!…

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