2008 01 01 Gertrude Gettinger GP012634 Reported Bank accounts and missing Bank accounts

NOTE: Mysteriously passed away March 15, 2020 and was quickly cremated by Sylvia Schmidt. The below accounts have long been closed and are inactive

Sylvia Schmidt reported these bank accounts on her petition forcing a conservatorship :

C1 40029056591 CitiBank
C2 XXXXX966 CitiBank
C3 180012306 Fremont Investment
C4 180005672 Fremont Investment
C5 18200010148945 Washington Mutual
C6 18200010148937 Washington Mutual
C7 18200010148953 Washington Mutual
C8 17700019941250 Washington Mutual
C9 17700019940153 Washington Mutual
C10 6700015711569 Washington Mutual
C11 95000068966438 Washington Mutual
C12 884280160 Wells Fargo
C13 8500329662 Wells Fargo

Sylvia Schmidt NEVER reported the following Account numbers given to us by Gertrude Gettinger after she was conserved. Gertrude notified PVP Violet M. Boskovich of the missing funds and was ignored
California Federdal Bank Account 7420034246
Washington Mutual Bank 0151274479
Washington Mutual Bank 0956896438

There are numerous cashed and signed checks written to the missing accounts by Robert Gettinger which prove Robert had paid any debt ever owed to Gertrude Gettinger however in Sylvia Schmidt’s perjured petition to force the conservatorship Sylvia in her Deposition and Petition informs the court about $200k in bank accounts are missing and blames it on creditors removing the funds due to debt by Robert Gettinger

When petition by Robert Gettinger was filed exposing the crimes, perjury, embezzlement and fraud Judge Candace J Beason did not stop the conservatorship and later claimed “She see’s nothing wrong”.

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[pdf-embedder url=”https://uglyjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2020/07/2008-01-01-Gettinger-Missing-Bank-Accounts-3.pdf” title=”2008 01 01 Gettinger Missing Bank Accounts 3″]

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