Richard Fine interview with Director Joe Sorge Exposes Los Angeles Superior Court Judges are accepting bribes

family law report los angeles superior court judges accepting bribes

Richard Fine interview with Director Joe Sorge Exposes Los Angeles Superior Court Judges are accepting bribes Los Angeles Superior Court Judges are accepting bribes

Los Angeles Superior Court Family Law Report

Director Joe Sorge concludes his interview with LA attorney Richard Fine, who explains how he revealed bribes being taken by Los Angeles Superior Court judges and the rather chilling consequences he suffered for exposing these bribes. The abuse of power and lack of oversight are frightening. This is part 2 of a two part interview.

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Sturgeon v Los Angeles County From 2007 to 2009 Justice James Richman presided in purported litigation on petition for injunction, which originated in the secret taking by all judges of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County of “not permitted” payments from the County of Los Angeles, at ~$45,000 per judge per year. During the same years it became practically impossible to win a case against Los Angeles County in the court.[23]

The Superior Court quadrupled in the case as the Court, the Judge, the Clerk, and a Party (Intervenor). Justice Richman routinely referred to himself as Judge “sitting by assignment”. The Court routinely referred to Justice Richman as presiding “by reference”, and Plaintiff’s counsel routinely referred to Justice Richman as presiding by “designation”. No court record of assignment, reference, or designation was discovered. The Court denies access to the Register of Actions (California civil docket in the case) in apparent violation of First Amendment rights. Justice Richman issued two judgments in the case – both in favor of the Court. Neither was entered, but both were falsely deemed by the Court as valid judgments – permitting the ongoing payments by Los Angeles County to the judges of the Court.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judges are accepting bribes


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