Richard Fine exposed one of the biggest judicial scams in Los Angeles history.
Los Angeles Superior Court Corruption
What did the Department of Justice do about it? Nothing. The fact is there is no justice in Los Angeles Superior Court because almost all the judges have been documented to accept bribes and still do today. Crime within our justice system is so bad, Chief Justice of California Ronald M. George did not stop it, instead he tried to legalize it with the creation of a bill SBX211 see this page written behind the tax payers back. When the heat got too hot he resigned and put someone else in charge. The crimes, abuse of power and robbery of tax payer money goes on.
What tax payers can do about it, and what is happening as a result
Vote “No” to Justices Campaign Impacted California’s November 4 Judicial Elections
Richard I. Fine, Ph.D., Chairman of the Campaign for Judicial Integrity (CFJI) stated:
“The November 4 percentage of “No” votes to Supreme Court justices may be the highest percentage since three California Supreme Court justices were voted out in 1982 for refusing to enforce the death penalty. The state wide per cent range of “No” votes rose from 20-24% in 2002 and 2006 to 33.3% in 2014. The rising trend of “No” votes indicated that the justices can be Voted Out at the next election.”
Fine expanded: “On a county by county basis the effect of the vote “No” campaign was more dramatic. Only five of California’s fifty eight counties accounted for over 50% of the statewide “Yes” votes. The five counties were Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Santa Clara. Only another eleven counties exceeded the statewide “Yes” vote percentage. These eleven counties were Alpine, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Ventura and Yolo.”
Fine continued: “The remaining forty counties each had “No” vote percentages in the mid 30% to high 40% range. Most striking, seven counties voted “No” to Justice Cuellar. These were: Glen, Lassen, Mariposa, Modoc, Shasta, Sierra and Tehama. Five counties voted “No” to Justice Liu. These were: Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Sierra and Tehama.
Fine added: “Also striking, on November 4, 1.67 million less people voted in the judicial election than voted for governor. This refusal to vote may have indicated disgust with the judiciary and judicial corruption. Had these voters, voted “No”, all the Supreme Court justices would have been Voted Out.”
Fine concluded: “The 2014 dramatic increase in the percentage of “No” votes demonstrated the impact of the vote “No” campaign. The Judiciary, Governor, Legislature and county supervisors making illegal payments to judges are on notice that we will end judicial corruption.”
The Campaign for Judicial Integrity is a national grassroots movement and organization dedicated to the eradication of judicial corruption in all of its forms.
Contact: Richard I. Fine, Ph.D.Tel: (310) 622-6900; E-mail: [email protected]
See CampaignForJudicialIntegrity
Stop Los Angeles Superior Court Corruption