King City Police Infected by Criminals given Guns, Badges and Authority

king city california police chief bruce miller is a criminal who hides behind a police uniform

King City California Police Chief arrested
King City Police Chief Bruce Miller should never have made it to the position of Police Chief. Thus annual polygraphing of all law enforcement would have helped to stop the infection of an entire police department. The fact that American’s need to accept is that social-paths, criminals and psychopaths are experts and using dishonesty to work their way up the power ladder. Once in place they allow further crime and dishonest acts. People just don’t want to accept that someone who wears a badge and a uniform might in fact be the worst of criminals.

King City police chiefs and officers arrested over corruption

King City Police Chief and Ex-Chief arrested

King City Police Chief Bruce Miller
King City Police Officer Mario Mottu, Sr.
King City Police Officer Jaime Andrade
King City Police Former Chief Nick Baldiviez
King City Police Sergeant Bobby Carillo
King City Police Officer Mark Baker

Six King City Police Officers Arrested Tuesday Morning
Bribery and Embezzlement Charges Filed

King City current police chief, the former police chief and several officers have been arrested over corruption. Nick Baldiviez, Bruce Miller and the officers are accused of deliberately towing the vehicles of Hispanic residents to a specific company. Then, they either sold or kept the vehicles and made a profit off the poor residents who could not afford the fees to get their cars back.

king city california police chief bruce miller is a criminal














King City Police Chief Bruce Miller
Police often work together with dishonest lawyers and judges to commit crimes and use the system against the innocent.

King City’s top law enforcers became lawbreakers when they orchestrated a scheme victimizing the most vulnerable residents in King City.

“The victims were economically disadvantaged persons of Hispanic descent who were targeted by having their vehicles impounded, towed and stored by Miller’s Towing,”









King City California Police Chiefs arrested
King City Police Chief Bruce Miller
Former King City Police Chief Nick Baldiviez

criminal king city police officer mario mottu sr. desgrace, fraud, liar and criminal












King City police Officer Mario Mottu Sr.
Monday at Monterey County Superior Court in Salinas, during his arraignment on an embezzlement charge

Court forbids contact between KCPD defendants
Miller brothers exempt from ruling; all 6 arraignments postponed

King City’s longtime former police chief, Nick Baldiviez, current acting police chief, Bruce Miller, and five others were arrested in a major corruption bust

king city california police chief bruce miller is a criminal who hides behind a police uniform

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