- Alabama Judges
- Arkansas Judges
- California Judges
- Colorado Judges
- Connecticut Judges
- Florida Judges
- Georgia Judges
- Illinois Judges
- Indiana Judges
- Kentucky Judges
- Louisiana Judges
- Michigan Judges
- Missouri Judges
- Montana Judges
- Nevada Judges
- New Jersey Judges
- New York Judges
- Ohio Judges
- Oregon Judges
- Pennsylvania Judges
- Tennessee Judges
- Texas Judges
- Washington D.C. Judges
- Washington Judges
California Commission on Judicial Performance
Probably the most corrupt legal organization in America, next to the American Bar
Address: 455 Golden Gate Ave # 14400, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 557-1200
How to Deal with a Judge that Won’t Hear Your Side of the Story
Letting others know about a bad judge, RATE THEM AT GAVEL BANGERS
If you don’t know of a victim yet, one day it could happen to you. The KIDS FOR CASH judges Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan scam was an eye-opener for thousands of parents and victims. How can a judge whose supposed to be honorable commit a crime or abuse our children? It’s easy, absolute power corrupts, and this corruption is even deeper rooted than the public thinks. It’s all about cash and people who have no empathy for the weak or defenseless. These monsters of society target seniors, the mentally ill, children and those who can’t afford a lawyer to defend them. They destroy lives, steal children, force huge legal fees and ultimately destroy trust in our legal system.
If you’ve encountered a dishonest or corrupt judge, you’ll know by their actions or lack of them. What we mean is when dishonest parties or lawyers appear in court and break laws, the judge fails to act. Perjury, abuse, crime it can be anything which a good, decent judge would never allow. However, bought and sold, corrupt judges often are accessories to crimes by ignoring them. Victims are often led down a path with bait and switch tactics. You’re told justice is going to take place, which does several things, it creates time, stops the victims from getting a head start and reporting them. Yet, in the end it’s all a scam and lies, allowing them to do even more harm and dig a deeper pit of lies.
Victims that speak out, try and get authorities involved have the system turned against them. After all, who do the police believe, a judge, lawyer or the common person? Police are often told lies by the judge and lawyers, twisting a story against the innocent who are only trying to report a crime or help a loved one.
Once in jail or in the system, more corrupt judges and lawyers get involved, making up more lies in efforts to incarcerate the victim or scare them away.
It’s all about using our legal system against us, to steal, profit and cheat innocent and defenseless people.
Probate court is where our mothers and fathers’ life savings are stolen by lawyers and judges who legally steal the victims’ homes, life-saving and possessions by liquidating them in sales and absorbing them in huge legal fees. Think about this, one lawyer at $350 -$500 an hour can reduce hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few months. Much of those legal bills are for needless legal actions or time. It’s ambulance chasing at best and legal murder at worst, where they legally, isolate, medicate and liquidate the victims’ entire life savings.
This is all done under the guidance and protection of a court, a judge who knows what’s going on and behind the scene is rewarded financially for looking the other way. Los Angeles Superior Court Presiding Judge Aviva K. Bobb who caused the death of a child and Lee Peters of Los Angeles. Judge Aviva K. Bobb was involved with hundreds of cases and destroyed countless lives all for personal greed. This was done via the Sanborn team a probate property Company who had close ties to Judge Aviva K. Bobb and even acted as her sponsor. Ties which an objective judge would not allow. People’s homes were being funneled through Judge Bobb and her close contacts. Judge Aviva K. Bobb retired EARLY to avoid a huge scandal and is still active at ARC in Century City, CA. People are still victimized by X Judge Bobb due to her unfair decisions and biased opinions. Dishonest lawyers still refer victims to Judge Aviva A. Bobb knowing the judge will rule in their favor.
Family, Civil and Criminal courts are filled with judges who can be bought and sold like prostitutes with a price on their heads. We’ve taken the worst lawyers in America and given them a seat on a bench. This is no different from giving a gun and badge to a psychopath who becomes a police officer. If you Google corrupt judges and lawyers, thousands of victims’ websites now appear. It’s out of control and actually very common.
Take California where it was proven that Chief Justice Ronald M. George was creating law behind the public’s backs so that judges could commit crime and not be held accountable, SBX2-11. Insane Senate Bills like this allow dishonest judges to commit crimes and be immune from prosecution. In short, Ronald M. George knew he and other judges were stealing and wanted a way to stop them from being prosecuted.
David P. Yaffe is a well-known problem judge within Los Angeles Superior Court. LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner went before him before taking the law into his own hands. Dorner was unaware Judge Yaffe was dishonest, corrupt and accepted bribes from the county of Los Angeles. What this meant is Dorner’s case against the city of Los Angeles would never get a fair hearing. Dorner would later do what he did, taking revenge against those he felt cheated him and destroyed his reputation as a good and honest person.
Main stream media is often used to write stories giving a conflicting side to support the rich and powerful. Did you ever notice how some stories never get on the news, while totally silly ones get the front page? People are murdered, crimes are committed, and the news fails to tell those stories, yet we all hear about movie stars and senseless issues all the time.
Santa Clara County, California is a hotbed of Corruption that focuses on one judge, Socrates Peter Manoukian where several documented cases have been sabotaged by the judge. There is even an official Judge Socrates Manoukian web site which documents the corruption and crimes. The corruption goes even deeper as social services, county lawyers and supervisors are all involved in taking advantage of the mentally disabled such as Heidi YAUMAN.
The corruption is spreading from Santa Clara County to Marin County as
Exposed, Lee Pullen fled to avoid exposure to Marin County.
Lee Pullen is affiliated with “Marin Community Foundation” which donated $100,000 or more to EAH Housing. Money is changing hands while innocent people are being robbed via the courts and Judge Socrates Manoukian.
Santa Clara County, California Corruption has been EXPOSED
Woman hiding from Santa Clara County Public Guardian has good reason
Your State may have a Commission on Judicial Performance, so look it up
Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge
Complaint Review: Marin County Superior Court of California, Jeanne Mann, Jean Mann
Sheriff Deputy Involved Domestic Violence, My interactions with the Santa Clara County Sheriff Department and Sheriff Smith Directly
Reform the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department
Jailed County Supervisor George Shirakawa Jr. prove Fraud and Corruption
Xavier Campos, Shirakawa Filed Fictitious Business Accounts with Campaign
“Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity; it hardly matters how great his power of doing good service on certain lines may be… No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty to the community.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Most people would have a hard time believing a judge could be unethical, immoral or dishonest. Until the day comes where you’re victimized by such a judge. American courts have become the new crime scenes, judges are immune to prosecution and knowing this, many hide behind the law by stealing, lies and even murder for profit. People need to understand a judge is nothing more than
a lawyer. If you allow a bad lawyer to become a judge, you have a huge problem.
This is NOT about all judges being bad or anti judge, it’s about the BAD ONES
also shed poorly on all judges. One must consider why the good judges do not
work to have the bad ones removed? Which is another question of morals, ethics.
And the code of conduct sworn to by all lawyers and judges.
Use the form below, not the email above as it is no longer active
[si-contact-form form=’5′]
Judge Aviva K. Bobb CA Los Angeles works at ARC CA Century City Bar 50146
Judge David P. Yaffe
Judge Candace J. Beason
Judge Reva G. Goetz
Judge Socrates P. Manoukian Santa Clara County CA
Judge Mark Ciavarella Destroyed families via jail for kids
Judge Thomas J. Maloney Circut Court (1977 – 1990), Cook County, Illinois
Judge James Henson Florida
Judge Donald D. Thompson
Judge Richard A. Palumbo
Judge Michael T. Conahan
Judge Richard Markus
Judge Marcia Cooke
Judge Stephen Brown
Judge Jon Gordon
Judge Victor Barron
Judge Gerald P. Garson
Judge Melissa Jackson
Judge Cecilia Altonaga
Judge Penfield Jackson
Judge Federico Moreno
Judge William Turnoff
Judge Elizabeth R. Feffer
Judge George Greer
Judge Robert O’Brien
Judge Elihu Berle
Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl
Judge Gregory Pollack
Judge Robert James Lemkau #52560 Inactive
Judge Robert O’Brien
Judge Elihu Berle
Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl
Commissioner Alan H. Friedenthal
Judges commit crimes by ignoring crimes committed in their courts (which they ignore). They rubber stamp anything put before them by one side and deny everything or question anything brought forth by the other side. Often evidence is ignored, witnesses are not heard, and constitutional rights are ignored by the judge. Judges will seal records to cover up their crimes. Court reporters often change or omit what happens in a courtroom when requested by the judge. Judges have been found to accept bribes. In fact, recently, it was found that almost ALL Los Angeles Superior Court Judges have accepted bribes.
California Chief Justice Ronald George is known as one of the most corrupt judges in America today. George was behind writing law which allows judges to commit crimes, even murder, without prosecution. Now, why do we need a law to protect a judge IF THEY are caught committing a crime? It’s because so many do commit crime and abuse their power. Lawyers writing law for lawyers. The fox guarding the hen house. The Bar which oversees all lawyers is nothing more than a bunch of lawyers who are friends of those they rule. Now imagine if criminals were judges by other criminals?
Judge David P. Yaffe
Los Angeles, CA, Superior Court
Aviva Koenigsberg Bobb
X Presiding Probate Judge
Los Angeles, CA Superior Court
Responsible for the death of 2 known victims
Ronald M. George
California Chief Justice
Former LA County Superior Court Judge
Judge Candace J. Beason
Los Angeles Superior Court
Ignores Perjury, evidence of elder abuse
Judge Socrates Manoukian
Department 19 Santa Clara County, CA
Open Letter to Santa Clara County Deputy Public Guardian: Arlene Peterson
“Then again, at the second hearing, I was not allowed to address the court regarding the allegations that were made. All of them were false! None of them were signed! I believe that Judge Socrates Manoukian intentionally intervened on behalf of attorney: Ryan Mayberry. I believe Ryan Mayberry was expecting this intervention. Why else would any attorney dare bring such poorly prepared material to court?” The cheap theatrics displayed in Department 19 under the presiding judge: “Socrates Manoukian” was comparable to a poorly prepared elementary school play. ” READ THE FULL STORY
Judge Kelly C. Wall
Montgomery County PA
Judge Kelly C. Wall, She clearly misrepresented her expertise in the law. She is presiding now over complex litigation, and her incompetence has caused massive damage to many families in Montgomery County. Furthermore, after a serious abuse of discretion consisting of discriminatory remarks in one case- it was also discovered that she had concealed campaign contributions from the opposing party’s attorney, even after being confronted in court. Read More
The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Anyone who feels the information herein is wrong or nonfactual, please ask for a retraction. Send proof and reasons why for my editorial consideration.
No ugly judges in Maryland? In Baltimore? That doesn’t make any sense.
Did you ever consider that people have not added them? The fact is, most victims never help, they are usually so involved in their own case they fail to spend time adding info to the internet to help others.
Then people assume because they don’t find the info that means the website is wrong? Worse, when people send us info they usually leave out info that is needed. Sadly court victims working together is
not at the point where all the info that exists is in one place. Please don’t assume, instead add your info.
If you tell me what is needed I will provide you with whatever you need. The judge who ruled in my divorce leaned so far to one side that I thought he was going to fall over. He believed everything the Narcissist said and nothing I said. He has been sitting in an order meant to fix an error since September 2021. Not one word. could be because the Social Security act actually pays the courts for alimony? Yes, you read that correctly. The courts are actually paid when they assign alimony to one of the people in the divorce case. Please look it up and verify my statement. If you have any questions or comments, please call me.
Charles, we are volunteers and work when we can. Often people send only a name, this causes extra wasted time as we then need to research what county (or city) and state the judge, lawyer or other government abuser is.
A full name with middle initial helps. The goal is to grow the list, we work with the Court Victim Network which includes courtvictim.com, jail4.uglyjudge.com cleancourts.org The goal of the last 2 sites is for victims to have a page to quickly add their judge, or location of victimhood. All you need is an email address, which will always remain private.
We thank you for your time Charles, please send your judge’s full name, as short description of their abuses, crimes and violations, PLUS county of their court and state.
Thank you