Officer Jeff Bonar

Flagstaff Arizona cop Jeff Bonar punches woman in the face

Meet Flagstaff Arizona Officer Jeff Bonar whose using the “I will resign scam” before they fire him so he can keep his benefits and work elsewhere.

Regardless of what was done to this officer by this woman he is not the judge or jury nor do we pay him to inflict punishment. If this is how he treats women then he should not be hiding behind a badge and image.

Flagstaff police officer Jeff Bonar has been placed on administrative leave after a video showing him punching a woman in the face surfaced Wednesday on Facebook.

Flagstaff police officer Jeff Bonar who is seen on cellphone video punching a woman in the face has resigned after it was recommended that he be fired. The Flagstaff Police Department found that Officer Jeff Bonar violated policies on unreasonable and excessive force, and for failing to turn on his body camera.

The criminal investigation has been completed and the case has been forwarded to county prosecutors for review.

Did he try to hide what was going on? Did he perjure his police report? Is this how the courts help someone who beats women escape punishment?

Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar resigns after being caught on camera punching a woman
Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar resigns after department review, critical report on his punching of woman
Case in limbo against ex-Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar shown in viral video punching woman
Completed investigation into Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar punching woman sent to Coconino County attorney
Former Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar caught punching woman wants charges dismissed
Former Flagstaff officer Jeff Bonar caught punching woman wants charges dismissed

Flagstaff ArizonaPolice Officer Jeff Bonar punches woman in face during arrest

Flagstaff Police officer Jeff Bonar caught punching woman in face resigns before termination

Woman punched by Flagstaff Arizona Police Officer Jeff Bonar describes incident

Former Flagstaff Police officerJeff Bonar who punched woman defends his actions

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