Officer John Moody a disgrace to every police officer in America executed an unarmed man Ernest Duenez Jr. shooting his 11 times in front of his own home
as his wife stood by. Officer John Moody stalked Ernest Duenez Jr. and failed to
wait for back up. While Officer John Moody wants people to think Ernest was
armed with a knife yelling this when he arrived (Ernest was unarmed) Officer John Moody wasted no time, panicked and murdered Ernest for no reason.
View the actual DashCam footage which we’re sure the Manteca Police Department did not want to share with the public as it obviously shows a murder taking place. Officer John Moody treats everyone as a danger pointing his gun at unarmed innocent people.
Join the movement to Expose Manteca California Police and Officer John Moody
Dominic Aguilar Forced To Trial For “Threatening” Manteca Killer Cop John Moody
It was June 8, 2011 when Mr. Ernest Duenez, Jr. pulled into his driveway just before 7pm. The father of a baby boy was being stalked and followed by an armed, predatory municipal employee Manteca police officer John Moody, who was obviously thirsty for blood and a paid vacation. He ultimately received both after Ernest Duenez Jr. who was 35 at the time, exited his vehicle only to be shot 11 times by Officer John Moody right in front of his wife. The cop yelled the proverbial “drop the knife” (Ernest Duenez Jr. was unarmed) and Manteca Police subsequently issued myriad “statements” in the following months about the murder. State-run media also followed protocol, publishing several stories referring to Ernest Duenez Jr. as “parolee” and “felon.” The murder, of course, was “ruled justified” by local government. The dash cam video was obtained by the family months later, and shows 10 seconds of radical terrorism right here on American soil.
Anonymous Demands Manteca Police Fire John Moody for the Murder of Ernest Duenez
Support the family and friends of Ernest Duenez Jr. on Facebook