Superior Court Probate Division

Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Division

Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Division has become a place where dishonest people go to steal from the elderly, disabled and children. Its all based on money and greed. The criminals behind these scams hide behind lies like we’re protecting their assets and providing them with a service.

If it’s recommended you look into Conservatorship or Guardianship for your loved one pay close attention to what happens once your loved one is sucked into this deep  hole of criminals, dishonest judges, low life attorneys and a broken system based on greed and abuse. 

The truth is they only offer this service to victims who have estates or funds in the bank. The truth comes out when those same blood sucking lawyers disappear when the money is gone. Leaving the victim broke, homeless and usually in the hands of the welfare system.

Remember the wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s similar to the lawyers, greedy family, judges and nursing homes involved who always hide behind lies and false promises.

The first step is to claim or pretend the victim needs their services. Everything will be based on lies of one person or a group. A judge is involved to make the crimes “Legal and binding”. The result is a victim who loses all their rights and control. A victim who is often drugged against their wishes to stop them from exposing what’s really going on.

Once the victims rights have been given to the criminal the isolation begins. This stops witnesses and family from getting involved or exposing what’s going on. With the help of heavy psychotropic drugging the victim is helpless and unable to resist or call for help.

Behind the lie of protecting their assets bank accounts are used to pay huge legal fees for lawyers and courts who create legal fees. The person who takes control of the victims life is able to bill thousands of dollars to do what family did for free. Victims homes and assets are liquidated to continue to feed the legal thieves and services which are sucking the life out of the victim.

Welcome to Los Angeles Superior Court Probate Division where one judge will control your life, they’ll never see you, meet you or really know what is going on yet that judge will make rulings that determine if the victim lives or dies.

It’s all about “If the judge enforces law” which often is “NO” they ignore crime, elder abuse, violation of rights and the constitution. People think laws protect us however only if police or courts enforce the law. Far too often a judge will ignore crime and abuse allowing criminals to get away with crime.

Elder Abuse Victim Stories on Betrayal by California Probate Court Judges

Are you an elder abuse victim who has been further victimized by a California probate court judge?

  • Are you an elder abuse victim who has been victimized a second time by an apathetic probate court judge who turned his or her back on your desperate plea for relief from elder abuse?
  • Did an apathetic and biased probate court judge handling your elder abuse case or conservatorship abandon his or her sacred duty to protect you and thereby directly and indirectly facilitate further physical, psychological, or financial elder abuse against you?
  • Did a bad probate court judge handling your elder abuse case or conservatorship abuse his or her discretion, issue blatantly improper rulings, or ignore the law?

You are just one of many victims of California probate court judges who abandon their sacred duty to protect vulnerable elder abuse victims

  • You are one of a growing network of informed citizens, elder advocates, elder law and appellate attorneys, court-appointed conservators, and forensic medical experts throughout the United States who are committed to reforming the probate court by publicly exposing judges’ abuses of judicial authority toward parties and attorneys and biased decisions that contravene the law.
  • You may be just one of many victims of probate court judges whose misconduct had to be corrected by the California Courts of Appeal or the Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP), which “is the independent state agency responsible for investigating complaints of judicial misconduct and judicial incapacity and for disciplining judges….”
  • On May 20, 2004, the California Commission on Judicial Performance issued a public admonishment against retired Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Robert M. Letteau, who is a former supervising judge of Los Angeles County probate courts, because of “a troubling pattern of repeated violation of ethical duties that are fundamental to the fairness…of the judicial process” and a “pervasive pattern of bias, prejudgment, ex parte communication, and abuse of judicial authority toward parties and attorneys…” in the Conservatorship of Feist and four other cases.

Elder Abuse compiles and publicly exposes your stories and evidence of misconduct by California probate court judges

  • Elder Abuse compiles and publicly exposes your elder abuse complaints, petitions for protective orders, conservatorship petitions, and other pleadings you have filed with the probate court seeking relief from and civil remedies for elder abuse.
  • Elder Abuse and our growing network of like-minded victims of probate court misconduct also publicly expose how probate court judges have turned their backs on your desperate plea for relief from elder abuse.
  • Elder Abuse publishes below your firsthand, personal stories and primary source documents (e.g., elder abuse complaints, unpublished court filings, court transcripts, unpublished and published appellate court decisions, judges’ statements of decision explaining the factual and legal bases for their decisions, and Commission on Judicial Performance disciplinary decisions). We do this so that we all can expose to the light of day the judicial misconduct that conscientious citizens must confront and stop.

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Gerrit W. Wood condoned misconduct in trust administration case says letter from decedent’s daughter
California Court of Appeal Reversed Judge Robert M. Letteau for Abuse of Discretion, Bias, Delay
California Appellate Attorney Evan D. Marshall on Probate Judges Failing to Protect Elder Abuse Victims
Elder Abuse Victim’s Nephew, LAPD Detective Jeff Redman, Says Judge R. Gary Klausner Failed to Protect Victim
Retired Los Angeles Police Department Captain Glenn R. Ackerman Says Probate Judges Failed to Protect Abused, Elderly Mother
Wayne Carmona, son of elder abuse victim, on California Judge R. Gary Klausner failing to protect abused seniors
Alexes Shostac, daughter of elder abuse victim, on California probate judges failing to protect abused seniors
From a New Probate Victim standing strong — Ms. Grewal in Los Angeles
Experience of an MFT in Los Angeles, California on various issues that affect the field of Mental Health delivery and research in the State of California.
I am far from being the only victim of this arrogant and incompetent  judge – who was  publicly admonished by the California Commission on Judicial Performance in 2004.
Probate judge OKs payment for trustee under investigation
Los Angeles Superior Courts Probate Department 11 Corruption
From the probate notes BP122665 The Thelsey L. Fuller Trust


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