MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge Christina A. Snyder: Proceedings: MOTION for Mandatory Award of Attorney Fees on Anti-Slapp Motion
Ricky Ritch et al v. Aviva Bobb et al
Central District of California, cacd-2:2006-cv-04795
MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge Christina A. Snyder: Proceedings: MOTION for Mandatory Award of Attorney Fees on Anti-Slapp Motion {{74}}. The Court hereby GRANTS defendants' motion for attorneys' fees in the amount of $15,281.73.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://uglyjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Ricky-Ritch-cacd-2-2006-cv-04795-00078.pdf” title=”Corrupt Judge Aviva K BobbRicky Ritch cacd-2 2006-cv-04795-00078″]