Kristiana Coignard

Kristiana Coignard dead murdered by texas police
Here lies Kristiana Coignard. She was 17 years old. She was shot five times in January 2015 by two Longview, Texas, police officers inside their own department lobby. We may never know why Kristiana happened to be inside the police station nor why she picked up a courtesy phone because minutes later she was shot dead on a Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. Kristiana didn’t make it home to dinner that night because the people who were supposed to protect her, tazed her and put five bullets in her instead of getting her therapy and calling her parents. The three officers involved are now on a paid vacation. The Longview Police Department did not release the video of the murder until days afterwards. Thus far, the Longview Police Department “official” story has not matched the now-released video ( Officer Glenn Derr tazed Kristiana first and then shot her three times. Officer Grace Bagley was on the scene for five seconds when she shot the already on-the-ground Coignard twice. Longview Police Chief Don Dingler claims Kristiana was wielding a butcher knife although it is hard to tell in the video if there was indeed a weapon. To date, no such butcher knife has been placed into evidence for this homicide. The three officers involved (Gene Duffie arrived on the scene but did not shoot his gun) are now on a paid vacation. Are you tired of cops killing our kids? If our “peace officers” can’t get a knife out a mentally ill teen’s hands and shoot her dead instead of helping her, don’t you think there is something wrong with the police in this country? Be ‪#‎KristianasVoice‬ and tell the city of Longview, Texas, and Longview Texas Police Chief Don Dingler as well as the mainstream media what you think of this travesty!

CALL TO ACTION: Please be the voice for Kristiana Coignard and those who loved her by joining this peace, unity and transparency movement at #KristianasVoice‪#‎Justice4Kristiana‬ ‪#‎OpKristiana‬ ‪#‎KristianasLaw‬ ‪#‎ForeverSilent‬ ‪#‎HerVoice‬‪#‎StopLethalForceOnChildren‬ ‪#‎StopLFOC‬

#KristianasVoice ‪#‎Justice4Krstiana‬ PROTEST FEB. 7 at Longview Police Deparment, 302 W Cotton St, Longview, Texas 75601 from 6 p.m. to midnight CST. Event page for Feb. 7 protest:

Be #KristianasVoice by tweeting the city of Longview, Texas and Longview Police Department here:

Longview Police Department
Phone:(903) 757-9537

To Contact Mayor Dean
P.O. Box 1952
300 W. Cotton St.
Longview, TX 75606
[email protected]

Justice for Kristiana (family and friends community page):

Operation Stop Lethal Force On Children:

Anonymous Response to Longview Police Chief Don Dingler:

Justice For Kristiana (Anonymus working group page):

Teen Girl Walks Into Police Station. Cops Shoot Her Dead.…/kristiana-coignard-police-shoot/

Surveillance Video Raises Questions about 17-Year-Old Girl Fatally Shot by Cops at Police Station:…/3616806/kristiana-coignard-video/

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