Israel is 100% guilty of war crimes, genocide and targeting and killing women and children

We are all being lied to by a Deep State. Like Israel proved beyond a doubt that bribery, extortion, fraud, taking over our courts and government are used to destroy America. All while a religion demands we protect them and not be allowed to comment or object to what we see with our own eyes.

President Biden is part of the problem as the person in charge. Most likely, this old, mentally lost, pedophile, out of date and corrupt lawyer is only interested in money over the lives of Americans.

Our Politicians don’t fear being prosecuted or punished for treason, and openly accept bribes.

Courts and laws have been weaponized by the most dishonest, illegal profession in the world. Lawyers who are part of America’s biggest gang, the Legal Bar which, by the way, includes all judges who the majority
don’t follow law or focus on justice.

Want to know what Israel has been hiding from the world since 1948 Watch this video.
Basic agenda: Paint the victims, the Palestinians, as Terrorists to gain guilt and victimhood to steal Palestine by killing them.
Truth is 3 Israel Prime Ministers were Terrorists who started the Nakba genocide and hostage taking 75 years ago. Not Palestinians.


Most Americans don’t support Israel and never have. The fact is, Israel has been allowed to infect and take over the US government behind our backs. Did we vote for Israel to be an ally? Do we approve of a foreign entity that has no place being in our government? The fact is Israel only represents a minimal portion of Americans and the world, less than 10%

This has all been going on for decades and has only gotten worse. October 7th helped bring attention to the criminals, imposters, liars and frauds behind Israel. Israel was 100% behind October 7th, but it backfired on them. Israel killed the majority of the Music festival victims as planned and then spread a false narrative “beheaded, burned babies and sexual abuse” of the hostages taken. The fact remains “Israel” has raped thousands of Palestinians, tortured, starved and killed them by the hundreds of thousands and lied about it. Israel uses million dollar US taxpayer aid to finance huge media campaigns to spread propaganda lies to support its war crimes and attacks on Americans.

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