Get Help?

What can you do about CONservatorship or Guardianship abuse?
Fight CONservatorship and Guardianship abuse.
Expose judges and lawyers who commit CONservatorship and Guardianship crimes and abuse.
Need help with CONservatorship or Guardianship abuse?

There are really only two ways to fight

    Get media to do a story on your abuse
    Contact News outlets, local newspapers, google reporters in your area, state of US
    Contact TV stations, Help Groups, Create a Facebook page or group, Find other victims via Google or Facebook and network (More victims is more effective)
    This means contacting local city attorney, state attorney, county attorney and filing a report. FBI, DOJ, Local Police, County Sheriff (take advantage of Elder abuse Divisions and Special crimes units) Contact your cities Grand Jury

Most victims wait to get to this stage thinking they don’t want to cause the court “Judge” to rule against them due to the exposure. By waiting this often and usually results in you being drained of all your finances which in essence neutralizes you. The lawyers and judges don’t want others to know what they’re doing. Their so called legal crimes, court approved drugging and isolation of the weak and defenseless. What kind of a person steals, abuses, manipulates and sometimes murders for profit? If you check this website you’ll find thousand of so called “con-artists” who are such cowards they don’t even want to see the victim of their crimes they just cash their checks. After having been thru the system as both a police officer and victim of corrupt and unethical judges and lawyers I’ve always recommended going public.

    Write a brief short on your case. Remember longer
    is not always better, keep it down to no more than 5 pages.

    Start with:

    1. Introduction. Who you are?
    2. When the problems started?
    3. What happened to the victim?
    4. What happened to you?
    5. Current situation?
    6. Conclusion

List the crimes committed
You’ll need this to send to anyone interested in your cause.
Too many details will cause the reader to lose interest so stick
to the most important facts you can prove. Get copies of evidence
report numbers, phone records and copies of all court hearings

NETWORK (Find other victims)
Make a Facebook page
1. Its free Join by clicking on the link above
2. Helps you find other victims
3. Allows you to share stories, images and info
4. Gets your story out there

Contact agencies and file complaints and reports.
Keep a dated record of what you send (copies)

  1. American Bar
  2. Your State Bar
  3. Local City Bar

Get familiar with the Codes of Conduct “ABA Code of Conduct


Do you want to make a complaint against a California judge?

We get asked this a lot: “How do I do it?” If you really want to do it, first there is homework to do. If you don’t do the homework, you are wasting your time making a half-baked complaint to the Commission on Judicial Performance.

The first homework assignment consists of four things:

  1. Read the ANNOTATED Code of Judicial Ethics published by the California Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions, HERE
  2. Read the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Performance, HERE
  3. Read the Commission on Judicial Performance audit results published by the California State Auditor, HERE
  4. Watch this video of the former Commission Judicial Performance director forced by the legislature to describe how the agency internally handles complaints against judges. SEE BELOW
If you’re not willing to put in the time to do this homework you are setting yourself up for disappointment when you make a complaint against a judge. If you do the homework, there is a chance that your complaint will get somewhere. It’s that simple.
Use the County Law Library “Self-Help-How To” topic tag, or this link, for more self-help and how-to subjects:
REMINDER: County Law Library “Self-Help-How-To” is the topic tag (like the one above this)
  • Make a complaint against a judge
  • Disqualify a judge
  • Appeal a trial court order
  • File a federal civil rights lawsuit
  • And more.
Please note that WE ARE NOT LAWYERS AND CANNOT AND DO NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE because that would be the unauthorized practice of law, a crime. We do provide legal references like those you would find at a county law library. Since many people can’t get to their county law library, we have created a virtual county law library.
AND, we also provide how-to help for using public records law under the “FOIA-Public Records-Open Government” topic tag, here:

File a report of at LAWLESSAMERICA
You’ll need to REGISTER first, then when
approved login and post your account of events and include documents
Send your story to (If a probate case) NASGA, report those who did wrong at Wanted

Use photos of victims and judges who are affected and post them on Facebook

Purchase a domain name and make your own website HERE
1. Think of a domain name (URL or web address where people can find you).
2. Like “”.
3. Even the least expensive personal site will do. Start with a Summit Hosting Plan which includes the cost of your domain for about $5 a month
Once you set up an account its relatively simple to use their self help info or
call technical support to help.

Join Organizations with other victims
For support, info, find other victims and networking
NASGA National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse
National Organization to End Guardianship Abuse
CEAR Center for Estate Administration Reform


File a complaint with CEAR now

Make a You Tube video and upload it HERE

Search for other victims by your city and state work out from there
With the help of GOOGLE and the options above start searching for other victims by the names of the judges and lawyers involved in your case

Get the attention of the media, which may be more difficult then you think.
Start small which also allows you to practice telling your story.

Start with INTERNET Radio programs
Be sure to find a channel which covers your issue

4 Justice Radio
Talkshoe Radio
Trouble Shooter Judd Mcllvain

Get on the Lawless America website and MOVIE

People who EXPOSE judges, lawyers, conservatorships & guardianships

File a complaint with your local and state bar START HERE

Contact the Department of Justice and file a complaint
If money was missing, stolen or removed file with the IRS
Contact and file with your state capitals for Judicial Performance
Federal Bureau of Investigation
While the above agencies have been involved in similar corruption
reporting them and documenting the fact you did report the crimes helps
The more people you report the crimes to the better

CONTACT HELP GROUPS (Send your story)

These tips will help you contact and communicate effectively with hard-to-reach celebrities

So, you want to help your organization reach a wider audience of potential donors, or boost the funding of your worthy projects? Reaching out to celebrities can be one way to do this. We’ve compiled information here that can help you get started.


Why listen to us?

At Look to the Stars, we receive thousands of emails from people who work with non-profits, are looking for support for a charity auction or event, or are putting together philanthropic TV shows, radio programs, books or news stories.

Throughout our years as the leader in the celebrity charity information field, we have picked up a few tips that can help get your message through to celebrities.

We aren’t affiliated with the celebrities we feature, so we can’t pass on your correspondence to them.

George and Amal Clooney:

Communicating your message

You are most likely going to have to go through “gatekeepers” such as an agent or manager to get to the celebrity, and they are paid to protect their clients’ time and images. Sadly, they don’t always have the time for niceties, so keep that in mind if you get what appears to be a rude response, or no response at all.

Get to the point

When you are writing your letter of introduction, remember these are very busy people who are approached constantly. Try to grab their attention right away – if you have something exciting to share or heavy hitters supporting you, say it early. Nothing turns a busy person off more than having to dredge through a long email or letter, trying to figure out what it is the writer is after. We can attest to that – if the email is too long or is unclear, we quickly lose interest.

We cannot stress enough how extremely important it is to be clear about what you want. Don’t leave the reader wondering what it is you expect them to be able to do for you. You can explain what you are doing perfectly, but if you don’t say how you think the reader can help, they won’t be able to imagine themselves helping you. Busy people won’t take time to decipher your message and figure out for themselves what you are asking them to do.

Start with a quick summary:

  • What is your project? Try to sum it up in one or two catchy sentences. Don’t get too caught up on the details.
  • What are your assets? Describe existing funding, plans already in motion, major supporters, past experience etc.
  • How do you want the person to help? e.g. appearing at an event, signing a photo, etc.
  • Why they are a good candidate to get involved. Make sure you get this one right, as it shows your understanding of your situation and theirs. We receive lots of letters asking us for help with things completely out of our field of expertise, and it makes us wonder if the people writing us truly understand what it is that they are doing.
  • What will the celebrity get out of it? Money, travel expenses, name on the program, seeing the faces of people they have helped, etc.
  • Make it personal. Don’t send out 50 letters clad in bright red envelopes to one agency all in one day – that screams “spam” and robs your letter of its strength. If the agency feels like you are trawling with a bulk letter, they will not give your cause the attention it deserves.
  • Proof read your letters, and have others look them over, too. Make sure names are spelled correctly, and that they are the right names. We sometimes get emails and letters which are obviously sent to many people, but with the name of the recipient changed. If you must do this, be very sure all of your proper names and pronouns are correct. Don’t tell a star named John that you hope she can find it in her heart to support you.
  • If you would like a response, be sure to include response cards and/or a return envelope.
  • Include links to any relevant websites, so they can do further research on their own if they choose to. Good websites to reference might include or if your organisation is listed there.

Some ways to grab attention include mentioning:

  • Compelling publicity opportunities, i.e., thousands of people will be watching your show on television, or a large media outlet is one of your sponsors
  • Names (for example, if one of your key advisors is CEO of a major corporation, mention that you have that support.)
  • Money. Even if you aren’t promising to pay the supporter, just seeing $$ can boost a person’s interest in the event/project, so if you are working on a $million project, mention it.
  • Potential for social good. If you’re trying to engage someone for charitable purposes, it helps if it is clear their involvement will make a tangible difference.

Be honest, and don’t oversell your position. Don’t say that you and your partner websites receive 1/2 million hits if you don’t even have your website up and running yet. Don’t say that you are working with the UN if no UN employees can back you up on it. Also, don’t claim you cover a topic on your website if all you have is a couple of out-dated links to news stories on other sites. No one wants to be misled, and you will quickly be written off if you are too unrealistic about your claims.

Hope sells. Show your positive side, state how your group is helping your cause, and explain how the celebrity personally can make a difference. But don’t put on too much pressure or you are likely to scare them away. No one wants to have the weight of an entire cause resting on their actions.

Desperation does not work! Nothing turns a recipient off more than a message like, “I am suffering from [insert latin name of rare plant here], and need someone to buy me a new house and two red cars or my children will move in with my neighbors.” (We really have received messages like this!) Show that you are already taking steps to help yourself, albeit perhaps not as quickly or grandly as you could with their support, and have reasonable expectations for what they can do to help.

As mentioned above, have a specific plan. Many representatives absolutely will not approach their clients about a project unless it is definite, with solid dates and times. We have seen this happen even in the case of big name celebrities who are organizing events and looking to get other A-listers involved – without a solid plan, even they can struggle to get through.

Contact and document all efforts in reporting your abuse to the following:

Police misconduct:

The mission of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is to promote constitutional policing and the fair and impartial administration of justice.

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