Submission Notice

If you’re a court victim you have several options to combat what’s being done to you. It’s an nationwide epidemic that affects millions every year. Our courts have been taken over by dishonest judges who arrange back room deals with the involved lawyers. If you’re on the wrong end there is NO WAY to win going to court. Laws, rights, legislation or code are useless because a judge can ignore, over rule anything you put before him. DOJ and FBI as well the Legal BAR, Commissions on Judicial Performance are all involved which means you reports or complaints are ignored.

We strongly suggest you make your case public, join user groups where you can share, network and find support in other victims in your area. A movement is taking place bringing all the victims together.

Get your case listed at the National Court Victim Database at at no cost, it’s offshore hosted so free from US government control or censorship. You will only be providing public information which is already available. The goal and benefit is your addition establishes a “pattern of abuse” and is shown on a map for others to see and be informed of other local victims. Your contact info will always remain private and protected. You will also be updated with changes to the movement and events. National Court Victim Database

Get more public attention to you case and help other victims of the same abusers to find you via free online Google search sites such as: Which offers free pages for your details and complete story. This means once you add your info once, instead of having to repeat your details you can provide a short URL such as this example
Thus anyone you wish to give the details can access this page for PDF documents, photos, case details as well what the abusers did to you. You can choose what you wish to share and add, it can be just your name, county and state if you wish.

You should also consider joining Facebook (Free) and joining the existing user groups such as Court Victims United or Twitter has also been a place for Court Victims to network as well Instagram.

In regards to your comment or submission

We are NOT anti police, lawyers, judges or government, no matter what you think of how our pages are worded people are victimized, robbed, abused and murdered so they have a right to
appear upset and dramatic.

We get hundreds of submissions to be added to our website. We can not be held responsible for errors or typos.

We are NOT paid to provide a service.
We have been victimized by the legal system and those involved in that system.

What we offer is a free online website that can be found via Google when victims search
the internet for other victims of the same abusers.

Please do not demand action or a quick response as our work is done by volunteers with pay.

If you wish to have your info, data, submission added as quickly as possible please make sure you include the following:

Provide a 2 page (SHORT) summary of:

  1. Who you are?
  2. Where you or the victim you’re reporting is?
  3. What happened to you or the victim you’re reporting for?
  4. Current situation you or the victim are in?
  5. What needs to be done?
  6. All parties involved?

Please always include city, state, county, zip
Judge, lawyer, police or government person full name and agency info involved

You can also include photos, PDF documents and evidence photos to be posted

We can then begin to add you or the victim to our database and pages.


If you left the above out or your submission was not complete do another submission with the missing info.

If you’re only writing to complain please include what YOU’RE doing with your free time to help stop the abuse.

Thank you

More info on getting help and attention can be found on our SUPPORT PAGES
Helpful Links
Get Help

Member of Probate groups:

Join Court Victims United on Facebook
You can find us on Facebook:
Court Victims United
Los Angeles Superior Court Corruption
California Government Victims
Stop Predator Judges, Police, Lawyers and Government Agencies
California Government Victims
Judicial Corruption
Victims and Family of Judicial Corruption
Honest Police


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