Ever watch a defense attorney MAKE A FORTUNE for getting a totally guilty person off? Why are attorney’s allowed to HELP guilty people to get away with crime? I don’t have a problem with getting a fair hearing however LYING and dishonesty at any cost is wrong. Law has been made into a complicated language, which only helps lawyers protect their jobs. Worse our courts are used by lawyers to abuse seniors, get unethical RICH people off, stop investigations and hinder justice. Lawyers are out of control in America. Look deeper America, its YOUR AMERICA being raped by your laws.
America MUST insure our justice system is based and run by HONEST, ethical
and moral people. Lawyers and judges have been found to abuse law and ignore our constitutional rights. They swear to an oath and should respect our laws and constitution. Have you been victimized by an unethical lawyer who lies? Who will perjure a petition for profit?
Some of the ugliest Lawyers in the World HERE