Lee Pullen

Marin County, California Crime Family – San Rafael, California Lee Pullen – Marin County Department of Social Services (Resigned from Santa Clara County on July 11th, 2013.) is known to have corrupt ties with EAH Housing , which is also based in Marin County / San Rafael,  California .  Until July, 2013, Lee Pullen was director of Aging and Adult Services in Santa Clara County. He worked under the supervision of Social Services Director, Bruce Wagstaff.   Lee Pullen was responsible for overseeing the operations of the Santa Clara County Public Guardian, an agency known for corruption and human rights abuses against elderly and disabled. marin county california lee pullen and ryan mayberry embezzle money from elderly   Markham Plaza




Apartments ( 2000 / 2010 Monterey Road in San Jose, California ) is a low income / HUD subsidized apartment complex operated by EAH Housing. While employed with Santa Clara County, the Public Guardian coordinated with Markham Plaza Property Management to facilitate the Fraudulent eviction of Heidi Yauman, a traumatic brain injury survivor. Heidi Yauman was a Markham Plaza Resident who was also conserved by the Santa Clara County Public Guardian. Lee Pullen’s neighbor,  Ryan Austin Mayberry was the attorney representing Markham Plaza Apartments. marin county california lee pullen ryan mayberry embezzle money from elderly

Ryan Austin Mayberry – (State Bar ID: 232622) –The Law office of Todd Rothbard.  Heidi Yauman was repeatedly abused and harassed by Markham Plaza Property Manager, Elaine BouchardRyan Mayberry and Markham Plaza staff prepared fraudulent affidavits and a mock trial was held in Santa Clara County Superior Court. ( CASE: 1-12-CV226958 ) Department 19 – Judge Socrates Manoukian. ) Heidi Yauman was not allowed to present evidence for her case. The fraudulent documents that were submitted were ruled on, despite the fact that EAH Housing was unable to substantiate a single lease violation.  Lee Pullen authorized payment of attorney fees to his neighbor, Ryan Mayberry paying Mr. Mayberry with money from Heidi Yauman’s estate to commit these acts of fraud. This was misappropriation of funds from Heidi Yauman’s  estate.  A similar thing happened to Reta Cook.   See ABC News Story.   More info on Judge Socrates Manoukian can be found at www.JudgeSocratesManoukian.com

marin county california mary murtagh takes advantage of seniors and embezzles money from heidi yauman

EAH Housing  President and CEO: Mary Murtagh had been notified of the problems at Markham Plaza Apartments yet failed to supervise the activity of her staff and behaves complacently by not holding Markham Plaza staff accountable for their criminal actions against Heidi Yauman.

Additionally, Lee Pullen is also known to have ties with the Marin Community Foundation which has provided at least $100,000 to EAH Housing Please alert the Marin Community Foundation and others about EAH Housing Fraud and Mr. Lee Pullen.   

marin community foundation public warning lee pullen eah housing













Marin Community Foundation:
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Novato, CA94949
(415) 464-2500
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